Posts Tagged ‘web’

VMware vSphere Client (C#) R.I.P

Wednesday, May 18th, 2016

Today VMware have announced the VMware vSphere Client (C#) is deprecated. This has been on the cards for many years.

Going forward the HTML 5 Web Client will be the only supported method of managing VMware vSphere.

Goodbye vSphere Client for Windows (C#) – Hello HTML5

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Thursday, June 25th, 2009
3G USB Dongle for free

3G USB Dongle for free

I came across this free offer for a FREE 3G USB MODEM from network provider “3”, and I thought I would share it with you all. I’ve just ordered mine to confirm this isn’t spam or a duff deal. The hardware is a ZTE MF627 BLACK PREPAY – NEW. This is the later “chewing gum stick version” similar to flash drive, not the older “pebble”.

The “3” 3G USB modem is available from

You need to register on the above website, enter your address and email details, pick a username and password, a few minutes later they confirm your user account and email you a discount code.
Return to and buy a 3G dongle, enter the discount code to redeem the item price to zero (from £29.99), and then you just have to pay the postage and packing, £4.95.

Credit and debit cards accepted no AMEX ;-(

So a 3G USB Modem ZTE MF627 BLACK PREPAY – NEW for a fiver!

When I get mine, I let you know how to unlock it!

This offer was correct at time of post. Get it now whilst it’s hot!

I’m not associated with this company in anyway or making any referral fees, just wanted to share a great deal!

UPDATE: How to unlock here

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Gravel Pit Allotments Association

Sunday, May 17th, 2009
Gravel Pit Allotments Association Home Page

Gravel Pit Allotments Association Home Page

I’ve been a bit busy recently with the development of a new website for the newly formed Allotment Association in my parish. The allotment association calls itself Gravel Pit Allotments Association because it’s hoped the site will be developed on a field called Gravel Pit field. You can read what we’ve all been up to here on the website Gravel Pit Allotments Association.

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R.I.P – BBC iPlayer Download Manager

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

I’ve seen the BBC have replaced BBC iPlayer Download Manager with BBC iPlayer Desktop which uses Adobe AIR and Flex technologies which will make use of Flash Media Rights Management Server (FMRMS) to DRM-protect content which is downloaded to the user’s desktop. I wonder if they’ve changed this because they were fed-up of people stripping out the DRM with Windows tools. I suppose Mac and Linux users will now be happy, that BBC iPlayer content is available to them, and folks that never liked the peer-to-peer Kontiki software can be removed – I think Sky and Channel 4 4oD service still need this technology.

The BBC still allow you to download Windows Media Player content at present, with DRM! (direct download from website only – not peer to peer)

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Garden Birds

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

I also have an interest in birds, I wouldn’t call myself a twitcher or a birder, maybe somewhere in between! There’s one British bird which I would love to see visit my garden, it’s the Goldfinch. Nyjer (thistle) seed is the preferred food of goldfinches, and you need a special food dispencer and Nyjer (thistle) seeds of course. I have read that unless Goldfinches visit your garden already don’t bother! I have seen flocks of goldfinches (6-8 birds) in the area, and last season, I saw one in the garden (not feeding, just perching for a few minutes). I was going to ask a nearby neighbour who feeds the birds, did they have any goldfinches visit their garden before I invest in Nyjer (thistle) seeds and feeder.Well yesterday, at the local garden centre, I took the plunge and purchased Nyjer (thistle) seeds and feeder. Here it is:-

and I’d like to report, that earlier today, I though I saw, two Goldfinches feeding at the end of the garden, but I couldn’t confirm because I didn’t have me bins on me. I just checked about 30 minutes ago, and I spotted FOUR GOLDFINCHES FEEDING ON THE NYJER SEED!

Nyjer (thistle) seed dispencer for Goldfinches.

Nyjer (thistle) seed dispencer for Goldfinches.


Let’s just say, I’m a little excited!! Just goes to prove the books and experts are wrong!!!

Digital SLR on Tripod, 300mm Zoom Lens attached, waiting for them to return, watch this space for photos…..

(if Goldfinches currently visit your garden you are very lucky!)

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Real-Time Energy Usage on Blog

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

Real-time energy usage readout of electricity used in our house is now available for all to see. Average consumption is approx 3000 watts (3kW). If it increases to approx 6000 watts (6kW) then someone in the household has put the kettle or cooker on for tea! Between the hours of 12.30 – 7.30 GMT Economy 7 starts and in the winter the storage heaters turn on, so expect some high wattage readings between these hours.

Just refresh the web-page to see it change.

I blogged about this here.

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Good Luck to Elliot Minor!

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Good Luck to Elliot Minor with the Release of “Time After Time” and their Upcoming 2008 European Tour!

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Mega Upload!

Saturday, June 21st, 2008

The problem with memory prices falling for digital cameras, is you end up with pictures all over the place, I’ve now successfully collated all the pictures of the cats from the two digital cameras we have, as they are no longer kittens anymore and uploaded them all to the web. I’ve uploaded approximately 300 new pictures, at approx 500MegaBytes!

They are located here:-

Angus and Tilda at play in the garden

Esther hiding under a branch

The Cats

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Teething issues again!

Sunday, November 11th, 2007

Web hosting server is still giveing me issues again!, appears to be back on again!

I’ll update the webcam pages, and relocate the camera tomorrow.

One of the Geophagus that I removed from the display tank of other Geos’ started to beat-up the catfish in the quarantine tank, so now his tail has grown back, I’ve moved him into the 6″ display tank with all the Angels. Hopefully he’ll calm down with fish his own size.

Lobsters have hatched and disappeared in a 48x18x18 tank, with lots of ocean rock, time to remove the female lobster, if I can catch her, and return to the breeding tank with the male.

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Angelfishcam 1 is back!

Friday, November 9th, 2007

Just needs further alignment and focsus in the fish house!

I probably rename it FishHouse Blog Cam 1!

The image is currently uploaded every 10 seconds from the fish house wireless web cam. Click the picture in the right-hand column under the Fish House Thermometer and it will refresh every 30 seconds.

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