Archive for August, 2012

Fantastic – Altaro Hyper-V Backup for Windows 2012 – because Andy! says so!

Friday, August 24th, 2012

Just a quick blog, about this fantastic Backup Software, now with Beta software you always expect some issue, does not work, you’ll spend many hours trying to get it to operate.

But I was so impressed within 120 seconds, from installation, it had installed, detected I was using Cluster Hyper-V 2012, installed two agents onto the Hyper-V Nodes in the Cluster, and started to Backup to a NAS with no issues!

and this is BETA! I cannot wait for the full version and release!

Download Link >

Thumbs up Guys!, Well Done, puts many other software houses to shame, that have Hyper-V Backup Applications, do I have to name them!?


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Whoops – nobody tests Ubuntu 12.04 releases anymore?

Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012

whoops-ubuntu12041In this multi-disciplined world I fine myself, in using Unix, Linux and Windows.

Does nobody test Ubuntu releases on Intel anymore? works fine on 64 bit AMD!

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I’ve got a New Badge @ExpertsExchange

Tuesday, August 21st, 2012

za2If you checkout my Experts Exchange Profile, you will see I’ve got a new Badge

The “badged members” are Community Volunteers, and I’ve recently been “upgraded” to a Zone Advisor (ZA) for VMware and Virtualisation Zones, sometimes called Topic Advisors.


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Wont be long now…..until…..iOS 6 is released!

Monday, August 6th, 2012


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Building End – User Computing Solutions with VMware View

Friday, August 3rd, 2012


Barry Coombs and Mike Laverick’s new book Building End – User Computing Solutions with VMware View has just been published. It’s available here as an eBook.

I was fortunate enough as one of the VMware vExperts in the Community to proof read the book before publication. You can see my name in print on Page 6!

Needless to say, it’s an excellent book, and should be on all VMware View Admin Bookshelves!

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