Archive for May, 2007

Microrasbora erythromicron fry picture

Thursday, May 31st, 2007

I think this is a better photograph, these fry, are very very small approx 5mm, very difficult to see with the naked eye.

Microrasbora erythromicron3
Taken with cheaper compact digital camera! Told you the macro function was better! (click thumbnail image to view larger image).

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Almost Natural Tropical Fish Food Update

Thursday, May 31st, 2007

If I could associate the breeding success of the Emerald Drawf Rasboras on Almost Natural Tropical Fish Food, I would, but I’ve only been feeding my fish it for the last 24 hours! BUT…

I’m really surprised how readily some of my more fussy fish, take to eating the flaked food, and the Corydoras and Hoplos, L’s love the Shrimp pellets. Report more later.

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Microrasbora erythromicron spawn, fry hatch.

Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

At the end of March, a label on a tank in a local pet shop caught my attention to some fish called Galaxy Rasbora, which later turned-out to be Microrasbora erythromicron., common names could be Crossbanded or Emerald Dwarf Rasbora.

Microrasbora erythromicron3
Male Microrasbora erythromicron
Photograph courtesy of Mike Noren

I purchased these little fish (25mm), knowing they were Microrasbora erythromicron in a hope to breed them, I don’t think these are rare, but at present probably less common than the famous Galaxy Rasbora.

I checked the tank this evening, and I have a few fry from the trio.

I’m ecstatic, I haven’t felt like this since, breeding my first guppies, and that’s a long time ago!

Maybe I’ll now find that elusive Galaxy Rasbora, and give them the same “luving”, in a hope to breed them.

It’s taken over 400 shots to get the following pictures, glad I’ve got a digital camera. These were taken on the digital SLR, I’m running back in with the other camera, it has a better macro function (and it’s cheaper if it falls in the tank!)

Microrasbora erythromicron1
fry at approx 5mm (click thumbnail for larger image)

Microrasbora erythromicron2
single Microrasbora erythromicron fry (click thumbnail for larger image)

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Almost Natural Tropical Fish Food by Ed!

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

I received my package of Almost Natural Tropical Fish Food today from Ed in Pennsylvania, USA.

I’ve been looking for an alternative product for the fish house to bring fish into condition for breeding for a long time. I’ve received

  • Super colour flake.
  • Freshwater flake.
  • Shrimp pellets.

Excerpt from Ed’s website

“Almost Natural Tropical Fish Foods” are offered by a true-blue tropical fish hobbyist for the other tropical fish hobbyists out there in the world who would rather go the extra mile and feed their fish a top quality tropical fish flake. This tropical fish food is hobbyist to hobbyists driven. One hobbyist helping other hobbyists. After looking at the ingredients and then the prices, you will see that it is being sold at extremely reasonable prices to you, the hobbyist.”

Almostnaturaltropicalfishfood Sample
The contents of the package Super colour flake, Freshwater flake, Shrimp pellets.

Let me know if you are interested in placing an order from the UK, we can combine the order!

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Declared War on Slugs and Snails!

Tuesday, May 29th, 2007

My hostas and bedding plants are getting worse, if I don’t do something soon, my plants will die, and will resemble stalks!

So my friendly, excellent Coffee Shop opposite where I work, Banjos, Museum Street, York has supplied me with some used Coffee Granules. If you are ever in York, pop in, and tell Beth, I sent you! Excellent Coffee, hot and cold baguettes.

Coffee Granuals
Used Coffee Granules from Banjos, Museum Street, York

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Six additional tanks for fish house

Monday, May 28th, 2007

I’ve been pre-occupied with DIY on the house, but I’ve finally received the additional stands, to add six new tanks to the fish house.

Six additional tanks

I’ve also been working, on re-sealing the insulation in the fish house, and working on my new RO storage tanks – water experiment.

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Bank Holiday Monday

Monday, May 28th, 2007

I had hoped to complete Hector’s House today, but the bad wet/windy weather has put a stop to that. It’s almost complete, just requires another paint with Cuprinol “Seagrass”. The new wood, has had four-five coats of paint already, it’s been re-roofed with new “felt”, this was a pain in the bum last weekend, when the weather went cold again! Very difficult to work with hard cold/felt.

Spot the new roof!

add some new battens to rear of house.

another coat of paint and another DIY job completed!

PS I’m building up Reward points from you know who! Now next project operation board out loft!

UPDATE Snails and Slugs are still eating my hostas, despite sharp grit, garlic solution and beer traps, I think I’m going to have to find another solution!

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Hector’s House continued

Friday, May 18th, 2007

Work goes on …






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Hector’s House

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

The classic 70’s children’s TV programme featuring Hector the dog, Zsazsa the cat and their neighbour Kiki the frog.

Well it could be, this is what we call a shed, but it’s a Wendy House for children, it was described as a shed in the fixtures and fittings and left by the previous occupants. We or I find it handy to fit things in that don’t fit in the garage because the fish house is in there!

It’s in a bad state of repair, and if I don’t attend to it quickly, I think it will rot to compost. I think I could have purchased another one for what the wood, roofing felt, and wood preserver has cost me from B and Q!

All the wood that has been painted in “seagrass” is new. The old wood was removed because it had rotted out.

covered-up for the evening, whilst I paint and seal the wood.

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Cottage Garden Border Re-visited

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

Since I’ve been having a few problems with the slugs and snails eating one of my prize Hostas, I thought I’d upload some close-up pictures of them. I’ve always wanted to grow hostas, and now I have a shaddy part of the garden, ideal. I’ve used some sharp grit to mulch the area around the plants, and I’ve boiled-up some garlic cloves in water, and I’ve been spraying the plants and ground to keep the slugs and snails off.

Close up of the three Hostas


If you click the picture and look at the larger image, you’ll see where the snails/slugs have been eating this plant.


I do have the latin names if interested!

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