Well it’s not really a greenhouse or is it, it’s a plastic 6ftx4ft greenhouse, I purchased it from Littlewoods when they closed down for very little money, but the plastic cover only lasted one season and I had to renew it, special order from Gardman in Lincs, just down the road! They don’t really do Mail Order, but I couldn’t get a replacement cover anywhere, I don’t think my greenhouse was originally a Gardman, but the cover fits. I don’t think any of the Gardman garden products are made in the UK, I think they are all made in China, but could be proved wrong!
Anyway back to what’s growing in the greenhouse, the porch is full of Tomato seedlings and chitting potatoes, and the greenhouse is full of the following:-
- Sweat Peas Lathyrus odoratus
- King Size Navy Blue
- Midnight
- Blue Velvet
- Mutacana
- Blue Ripple
- Nasturtium majus
- Black Velvet
- Milkmaid
I’ve gone for a blue and purple theme this year with the sweat peas, and black and white again with the Nasturtium, although last year some of the Milkmaid turned out to be red and orange! Here’s a picture, I took to show Thompson & Morgan. Their excellent customer service department, sent me four packs of seeds free of charge for the inconvenience. Thank You!

Nasturtium majus MilkMaid “Red”
So until these get planted the green house is full to the brim.

Sweat Peas in Green House No.1

Sweat Peas in Green House No.2

Sweat Peas in Green House No.3

Sweat Peas in Green House No.4

Sweat Peas in Green House No.5
One day I’d love a real greenhouse or poly tunnel!!!
I always purchase my flower and vegetable seeds from Thompson & Morgan. Great value, fantastic stock, and let us not forget fabulous customer service.