Archive for the ‘blog upgrade’ Category

Sorry for the hiatus!

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2023

So maybe time to return, life has just been so hectic, and the Blog has not broke, so the tidy-up has begon, as lots of links have broken in the last 3 years!

I’ve removed the annoying MrHyperlink, people complained about the flashing, and got rid of the GiffGaff and Donations buttons!

Normal service will resume shortly!

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Andysworld! Switched from WP Super Cache to Litespeed Cache today!

Saturday, October 12th, 2019

I’ve been using WP Super Cache for many years, today I switched to the newer Litespeed Cache.

We will see if its just as good…

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Andysworld! finally upgraded from PHP 5.6 to 7.3 today!

Thursday, October 3rd, 2019

All seems well!!!

If something’s broken contact me!

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Andysworld! comes home!

Thursday, July 25th, 2019

It’s been just a little over 10 years ago that I migrated Andysworld! and all my hosting to the US, with

BUT – 20 days ago, I was left with

  • No hosting.
  • No email for 4 days.

There was no explanation of when it would return. So I’ve voted with my feet, and brought it all back to the UK, where I’ve been hosting with since 2004, in one shape or form, when they acquired PurpleCloud!! (in 2011).

This is strapline – “Professional Web Hosting from Just Host – JustHost”

All I can say is…Just****.com.

So since I’ve  moved it all back, there maybe some teething issues…

Faster SSD Hosting Krystal


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twitter api change for the better to reduce spam

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

looks like the last few blog posts, didn’t make it to twitter, it appears the twitter api has changed, to stop spam taking over twitter, it was only a matter of time, before it became more complicated to auto-tweet!

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Blog outage again!

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

If you’ve not reached my blog today, received a Hello World, forbidden or otherwise, it’s because since 9.30GMT, the hosting server has been under a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack).

Just my luck…

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Outage – suspended!

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

You may have noticed if you visited between 8.30 – 21:00 on 30 June 2009, my website was suspended by the hosting company.

Overnight, a script went bad causing the CPU on the server to exceed my allowed 10%, and hence my hosting was immediately suspended. No warning was issued, just suspension.

I had noticed my website was not functioning correctly on the 30 June 2009, as previously reported, and this script was removed, the strange thing is this script has been running correctly for the last 30 days without issue. I hope it doesn’t occur again, it caused me a massive headache.

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andysworld! fault – blog stopped working!

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

I don’t know why, late last night at approx 12.00GMT the blog just stopped working! Maybe I need to put more money in the meter! I just found it down this morning at 6.30am.

Currently trying to work out why, I’ve not changed any running code for ages.

It looks like a backup module I use to backup databases and posts has stopped functioning, maybe due to the size of posts and stuff it’s trying to backup on the backend.

Whoops, sorry folks, and things were just getting exciting around here!

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Real-Time Energy (electricity) Usage from my Wattson (electric) Smart Meter

Sunday, June 21st, 2009

I’ve updated my Real-Time Energy Usage widget in the right hand side panel to update every 10 seconds.

So if you wait and watch, after 10 seconds, it should change!

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Mobile Edition of andysworld! for use with iPhone!

Tuesday, June 9th, 2009

I’ve had a few requests from readers with mobile devices, that read the blog, that struggle with the side panels and content.

If you are lucky enough to own one of those mobile devices, smart phones, pda, iPhone, Nokia something or HTC Touch device, I’ve now made the blog “mobile” compatible.

If accessed from a mobile device, it should switch to a mobile theme, which may help reading the blog. If it doesn’t send me your User Agent string, or let me know which device you have and I’ll add it to the list of devices.

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