Archive for April, 2009

Blog performance, blank home page!

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

You may have visited and found you were greeted with a blank page in the last 24 hours! I think I’ve found the issue, and disabled that feature! I think it’s linked to the performance of my hosts MySQL shared database server, running out of steam!

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Bluetooth stopped working!

Wednesday, April 29th, 2009

Windows Vista updated itself today with a CSR Bluetooth update, and my bluetooth stopped working between my computer and phone. I used the rollback feature to rollback the driver to the original driver shipped with the operating system dated sometime in August 2006, Bluetooth started working again! So it just goes to show, sometimes newer updates are not better!


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Goldfinches on feeder – “The Movie”

Monday, April 27th, 2009

I only posted one photograph of the Goldfinches on the feeder yesterday, I didn’t want to bore you with too many photos. With the remaining photographs which were taken between 30 seconds – 1 minute intervals, I’ve created a short time-lapse 4 second movie clip. Here it is:-

I could have just created a movie from the digital video camera, but where’s the fun in that!

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Sunday afternoon Goldfinches Part Two!

Sunday, April 26th, 2009
Goldfinches on feeder

Goldfinches on feeder

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Sunday afternoon Goldfinches

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

I’ve just quickly dashed out into the garden in my slippers, with camera and zoom lens, balanced on the rotten wooden fence and got off a few shots…

Sunday Goldfinches!

Sunday Goldfinches!

The problem with the Goldfinches, they always show, when I’m not in the garden! I’m hoping to get much better shots, but I cannot play at present, because I’ve been given my orders to wash-up and tidy the kitchen! But I’ve got a few gadgets to try and get better shots!

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R.I.P – BBC iPlayer Download Manager

Sunday, April 26th, 2009

I’ve seen the BBC have replaced BBC iPlayer Download Manager with BBC iPlayer Desktop which uses Adobe AIR and Flex technologies which will make use of Flash Media Rights Management Server (FMRMS) to DRM-protect content which is downloaded to the user’s desktop. I wonder if they’ve changed this because they were fed-up of people stripping out the DRM with Windows tools. I suppose Mac and Linux users will now be happy, that BBC iPlayer content is available to them, and folks that never liked the peer-to-peer Kontiki software can be removed – I think Sky and Channel 4 4oD service still need this technology.

The BBC still allow you to download Windows Media Player content at present, with DRM! (direct download from website only – not peer to peer)

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Goldfinches on Nyjer Feeder Photographs

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

These are the best photographs I’ve managed to shot at present. (click the photo’s to view). These were both taken with a rather old Canon EOS 300D Digital SLR and Canon EF-S 17-85mm f/4-5.6 IS USM Lens. It’s not the camera which is the problem, it’s trying to catch the finches at the right moment!

Single Goldfinch on nyjer feeder

Single Goldfinch on nyjer feeder


Two Goldfinches on nyjer feeder

Two Goldfinches on nyjer feeder

 It’s very difficult to get close-up pictures, the feeders are at the bottom of the garden, I’ve tried sitting down at the bottom of the garden waiting, but I think I need a bird hide! (everytime I come into the house, the come back and feed on the feeder).

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Corporate Customer Services Competition

Saturday, April 25th, 2009

I’m having a competition between two large high street shops, who’s business turn over – tax free profits are 280m and 160m respectively. Two items have failed, and I’ve had issues with the shops replacing or repairing the items, so I’ve deciced to return to the Managing Director at their Head Offices for repair or replacement. It will be interesting test of their Customer Service, and if they are the caring,  sharing brands, they claim. If they give me the cold shoulder, I’ll name and shame them here! Lets wait

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Garden Birds

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009

I also have an interest in birds, I wouldn’t call myself a twitcher or a birder, maybe somewhere in between! There’s one British bird which I would love to see visit my garden, it’s the Goldfinch. Nyjer (thistle) seed is the preferred food of goldfinches, and you need a special food dispencer and Nyjer (thistle) seeds of course. I have read that unless Goldfinches visit your garden already don’t bother! I have seen flocks of goldfinches (6-8 birds) in the area, and last season, I saw one in the garden (not feeding, just perching for a few minutes). I was going to ask a nearby neighbour who feeds the birds, did they have any goldfinches visit their garden before I invest in Nyjer (thistle) seeds and feeder.Well yesterday, at the local garden centre, I took the plunge and purchased Nyjer (thistle) seeds and feeder. Here it is:-

and I’d like to report, that earlier today, I though I saw, two Goldfinches feeding at the end of the garden, but I couldn’t confirm because I didn’t have me bins on me. I just checked about 30 minutes ago, and I spotted FOUR GOLDFINCHES FEEDING ON THE NYJER SEED!

Nyjer (thistle) seed dispencer for Goldfinches.

Nyjer (thistle) seed dispencer for Goldfinches.


Let’s just say, I’m a little excited!! Just goes to prove the books and experts are wrong!!!

Digital SLR on Tripod, 300mm Zoom Lens attached, waiting for them to return, watch this space for photos…..

(if Goldfinches currently visit your garden you are very lucky!)

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Dry Nibs!

Thursday, April 23rd, 2009
I generally use a Parker fountain pen to write with, I’m a little old school, not that it helps me write better, or makes my writing look any better; in fact it resembles a spider that’s crawled across the page! I prefer to use the stainless steel Parker pens, I have a few in my collection! (I also get a little cranky, when I forget where I left it!)
Collection of Parker Fountain Pens

Collection of Parker Fountain Pens

But that doesn’t help, when the ink runs out, and for the last twenty minutes I’ve been trying to jump-start my pen, because it’s got a dry nib!

Collection of Parker Fountain Pens

Collection of Parker Fountain Pens

So if you ever short of something to buy me, black parker ink cartridges or blotting paper at least!

Fountain Pens Nibs

Fountain Pens Nibs

Just before finishing typing this, Esther almost lept out the bedroom window!

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