Archive for June, 2013

Honey Bees – Day 22 – After swarm arrived in my beehive

Sunday, June 30th, 2013

Honey Bees coming and going from beehive – day 22 after the swarm arrived at this hive. Weather today was warm and overcast, at least 20 degrees C, and humid.

Honey Bees - Day 22 - After sawrm arrived in my beehive

Honey Bees - Day 22 - After swarm arrived in my beehive

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Are you up all night…….and they take their influences from Wendy Carlos….

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

Are you up all night…….

fantastic….you will notice a Supertramp rift in the song from the later 70s!

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CloudCred – Pimped my Car!

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

I thought I'd pimp my car with a CloudCred sticker! - NICE!

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VMware vEXPERT 2013 New Logo

Thursday, June 13th, 2013

My new badge…what more can I say here it is:-


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Kenya holiday photographs uploaded!

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013

The Kenya holiday photographs have now been uploaded to our Holiday Photograph Album.


or directly here :-

Lindsey has sorted, and out of the original 1000+ photographs taken, these are the best 40%!

These photographs are straight from the camera, and re-sampled and reduced for viewing on the website, so they are not the original 12MegaPixel images, they have not been retouched either!

These were all taken with our new CANON PowerShot SX50 HS bridge camera

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