Archive for April, 2008

Touch Wood!

Thursday, April 24th, 2008

Fish from the auction are settling in well. I’ve also started my Fish House spring clean, and have emptied some fish stuff from a tug, that was collected when I dismantled the display tanks, when I moved a few years ago! Doesn’t time fly!

The repaired tank is currently soak testing, I let the silcone cure for 48 hours before, half-filling with water, I completed filing the tank with water this evening. The tank holds 254 litres of water. Tomorrow evening, I’ll be emptying the tank, and adding sand as a substrate and rocks, and re-filling with water at the correct temperatures. I’ve already got a mature external Eheim Professional 2 Thermofilter filter this tank, that I’ve had for some months. The special fish will be added on Saturday!

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Monday, April 21st, 2008

I’ve noticed more tropical freshwater fish shops converting over to tropical marines only, and I hear rumours that our local Maidenhead@York, and Pets@Home are both adding Marine sections to their portfolio!

Also, have you noticed the popularity of CO2 fertilisation kits in stores, once upon a time, there was only Dennerle! Now we’ve got kits from Aquamedic, Dupla, Ferplast, Hagen, Hydor, JBL, Sera, Tetra.

There must be a market for growing plants!

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Empty and Cracked

Monday, April 21st, 2008

Some months ago, I moved a very heavy 48″x18″x18″ fish tank into the fish house, despite soak-testing for many weeks outside, on re-filling in the fish house it cracked!

It’s been sat, empty and cracked in the fish house for months, and I’ve finally decided to do something about it.

I measured it this morning, and purchased some replacement glass, to re-glaze the bottom in hope to patch it up. I purchased a 18″x12″ 6mm section, and this evening, cleaned the tank with meths, and siliconed in place. I’m going to leave it cure for 48 hours, and test fill!

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Corys, Platies and Mollies by the bagful!

Sunday, April 20th, 2008

Well if you wanted any for a pound a bag you should have gone to the 1st Sheaf Valley Aquarist Society Auction today in Sheffield. Congratulations to Sheaf Valley Aquarist Society on a great auction. Auction promptly started at 1.00pm, and closed at 4.30pm, 20 large boxes (lots) of fish and stuff, and the first ever Fish Auction, I’ve been to where, they had a catalogue of the Lots, booked in, in Advance! Guppies, Platies, Mollies, Swordtails, Corys, Angelfish, Endlers, Bristlenoses (LDA016), and some very unusual home bred corydoras. I purchased the following :-

  • Five Bosemani Rainbow Fish
  • A pair of Nothobranchius rachovii
  • A pair of Bolivian Rams (breeding in the bag!!)
  • Ten Lamprologus ocellatus “Gold”

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It’s Snowing Again!!!

Sunday, April 6th, 2008

Proof!!! It does snow where we live!!! Weather is crazy at present!!! The Magnolia tree and the daffs in the garden have had a shock with this recently cold weather!

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Arcadia ArcTank

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

This is my Arcadia ArcTank, it’s the first aquarium I’ve ever purchased that has arrived in a box! But I think that most modern aquariums arrive in boxes these days.

Arcadia Arc Tank 3
ArcTank 20L Boxed Aquarium

Arcadia Arc Tank 1
The Arcadia ArcTank includes an ArcPod 9w lighting unit, which contains a built-in reflector which a 9w tube fits into. It also includes an internal filter not shown. I’ve decided to purchase another ArcPod 9w lighting unit because of the plant selection for my aquascape Nano tank, and these plants require lots of light.

Arcadia Arc Tank 2
Only one ArcPod 9w lighting unit is included, I’ve purchased the second to double the lighting for plants.

To help the plants, I’ve also order a simple CO2 plant fertilisation set from Sera, called Sera Plant Care Kit, it includes

  • Sera CO2-Start – ideal CO2 fertilization for aquariums from 60 l up to 200 l.
  • Sera CO2 diffusion reactor and the Sera CO2-Tabs plus (20 tabl.).
  • Sera florena, 100 ml – plant fertilizer with iron, minerals and trace elements.
  • Sera florenette A, 24 tabs – growth promotor tablets with macro nutrients
  • Sera guide “Feeding aquatic plants according to nature”

It works by filling a vessel with CO2 from a tablet, which then diffuses slowly into the water. I may have to cut the tablet in half, as this tank is only has a volume of 20L.

I’ve also purchased a Dennerle Boden-Fluter 4 watts substrate heating element and sera floredepot, which is a long-term gravel substrate with growth promoter for freshwater aquariums. I’ve also purchased some aquarium substrate called AquaClay.

These are the plants I have selected for my Nano tank.

  • Wood with Anubias barteri, Vesicularia dubyana (Java moss) and Microsorum pteropus (Java fern)
  • Cyperus helferi
  • Echinodorus tennellus
  • Rotala wallichii
  • Lilaeopsis brasiliensis
  • Cladophora aegagrophila (moss balls)

I haven’t decided where to obtain these Tropica plants from yet. But I have several local stockists. I maybe able to do a deal with!

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Front Garden at the beginning of April 2008

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

Front Garden in Early Spring No.1
The daffs have come up earlier this year.

Front Garden in Early Spring No.2
this is the daffs second year in bloom. They were freshly planted when we moved in in 2006.

Front Garden in Early Spring No.3
Magnolia just in flower.

Front Garden in Early Spring No.4

Front Garden Border in Early Spring
this was the new border created last year in 2007. It looks empty!

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