Archive for February, 2008

Garlic Bread?

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

Garlic Bread? Garlic… bread? Garlic? And bread? Am I hearing you right? Garlic bread? – Peter Kay

A friend visited the Isle of Wight last year, and brought me back some Garlic for planting from the The Garlic Farm. Many Thanks – Paul.

I love garlic, and it should do well, in our heavy clay soil, dug from the garden, I didn’t think it was growing, but since these frosty snaps, it’s come on very well.

I think I’ve planted Solent Wight and Purple Heritage. I’m sure I’ll be corrected, if this is wrong!

Keeps the vampires at bay!

Solent Wight and Purple Heritage Garlic in 18″ pots = heavy!

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Fresh Vegetables, Fresh Vegetables!

Sunday, February 17th, 2008

Time for a quick blog. Tomatos from 2007 were a disaster, all of them made Green Tomato chutney, very few ripened, because we didn’t have the hot weather, it was very late, when the sun arrived, in September/October 2007. In preparation for this Summer, I’ve been planting my seeds earlier, Chilli Plants are in courtesy of Kew Gardens and today I planted the first of the Tomato seeds, I’ve stuck with some successful seeds and plants, I’ve had good results in the past Gardener’s Delight and Money Maker Tomato. Moneymaker is a very heavy cropper, and Gardener’s delight is a cherry variety (not many of these make it to the table, I eat them off the vine in the greenhouse!). All the others selected are an experiment. I planted the first 120 seeds, but my compost was frozen solid, so I’ll have to wait until it defrosts in the greenhouse, for use next weekend.

Here are the variety’s I’m planting this year….if you want to trade just let me know….send me your trades…!

costoluto fiorentino tomatoe
Costoluto Fiorentino Tomato

gardener's delight
Gardener’s Delight Tomato

golden sunrise
Golden Sunrise Tomato

red pear
Red Pear Tomato

san marzano 2
San Marzano 2 Tomato

Tigerella Tomato

Chilli Seeds
Chilli Fruits, I don’t know what these chilli plants they came off, other than there were at Kew Gardens! At the Chilli Festival 2007!

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