Archive for December, 2020

How not to play Fornite! Keep out of the storm!

Sunday, December 27th, 2020

Power cut today, caused me to be without internet for seven hours, and when power was restored, I had a few issues.

So later when all was restored, I had a test game of Fornite, and thought I would record it, so you can see what happens if you go fishing for a great white shark!


Oh, you are supposed to stay out of the storm! (it kills you!)

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Merry Christmas and A Prosperous New Year 2021 from Andysworld!

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2020
Christmas Festive Monkey

Christmas Festive Monkey

This photo was taken by me in Nagano Japan in 2011, it’s not a stock download from the internet! just before the Earthquake and Reactor meltdown!

Hopefully 2021 will be COVID-19 eventually….

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7 Day Streak – Achieving a 7 day hacking streak on TryHackMe

Friday, December 11th, 2020


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Chasing Rainbows, Rainbows End

Friday, December 4th, 2020

Whilst out walking today for our daily lunchtime walk to break up the day working from home due to COIVID-19!

Two rainbows appeared over the ‘shire’.

Double Rainbow above 'The Shire'

Double Rainbow above ‘The Shire’

Chasing the end of the rainbow!

Chasing the end of the rainbow!

almost there!

almost there!


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