Archive for June, 2006

Poor Pleco, well actually it’s a Gibbiceps

Friday, June 30th, 2006

About 2 years ago I acquired a Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps or “Sailfin Pleco” from a local tropical fish shop in York which needed some tender loving care, it was really poorly; sunken eyes, and a grey/white covering over its fins. This didn’t appear to be fungus, but the fish was clearly not deporting well, with clamped and torn fins. This was the picture of the fish.

Glyptoperichthys Gibbiceps

I’ve been waiting 2 years for it’s sailfin to grow back, and it had almost grown back, I was going to take some pictures and produce a “before” and “after” shot for the blog, when the same fish was struck down by a sudden bacterial infection “fin rot”, which started to eat away at all it’s fins, it only affected this catfish in my display tank, so it was immediately moved to a quarantine tank in the fish house, and dosed with Melafix, and large quantities of cucumber for 7 days, and I happy to report, it’s fins are recovering well.

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Coincidence first Animal House and then UK Marines Ltd

Thursday, June 15th, 2006

Last August I reported that Aquatics Mail Order giant Animal House, Batley, West Yorkshire had closed down, various rumours exist as to why they closed their doors for the very last time.

Almost twelve months later, after discussions with an eBay seller, who was responsible for the disposal of several items from a tropical fish shop in Batley, I discovered that UK Marines Ltd had closed.

This is a picture of the display tank measuring 9`x2`6″x2`6″ which was sold on eBay, following the demise of UK Marines Ltd, Batley, West Yorkshire. Many years ago, this tank was stocked with marine fish, but more recently had large oscars and gouramis present.

UK Marines Ltd Fish Tank 1
Display tank measuring 9`x2`6″x2`6″ at the rear of the shop.

UK Marines Ltd Fish Tank 2
Another tank from UK Marines Ltd

UK Marines Ltd Fish Tank 3
Another tank from UK Marines Ltd

I did some investigations, and spoke to Roy Meeke, he told me he has not been involved with UK Marines Ltd for at least three years. UK Marines Ltd, Company No.03809034 was incorporated in July 1999, the directors at that time were Lynn Day and Roy Meeke, the company was dissolved in May 2002. Therefore it should not have been trading as UK Marines Ltd in the last few years since May 2002!

UK Marines Ltd, never updated their website, or removed Roy Meeke’s name from it.

I’ve discovered some other irregularities with UK Marines Ltd, but more on that later. All this information is available in the public domain.

Did UK Marines Ltd close due to lack of trade in Batley, due to Animal House’s closure?

When Animal House closed, I posed this question to the owner Philip Day, on my reqular visit to UK Marines Ltd, who indiciated that it would not cause a problem, but over the last tweleve months, I noticed a deline in the stock and hardware in the store, and told they were “re-furbishing” the store, and then they were going to “relocate” to Huddersfield!

Good Luck Philip & Lynn, where ever you are…!

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Corydoras Aeneus "Peru Gold Stripe"

Thursday, June 8th, 2006

I’ve been trying to photograph these active corydoras catfish since I purchased them last Saturday 3 June 2006, while my partner was doing the shopping at Sainsburys; I escaped and this is what I found! Last weekend, I was suffering from Fish Action withdrawl symptoms, as I didn’t attend Ashby or Caer Urfa Open Show and Fish Auction, so went on a local fish expedition instead.

It’s taken over 250 shots, to catch these active corydoras catfish. I’m glad I’m digital! (must clean the glass on the aquarium).

The common “pink” and “albino” variations of Corydoras Aeneus are very common, I have a trio (two males and a female), and If I could catch them from my 6ftx2ftx2ft tank, I would try and breed them. That’s another story of how they got in there? I’ve seen in books, many different variations of Corydoras Aeneus, but never seen any to purchase. These were described as “Gold Line Corys” in the local tropical fish shop. I’m hoping to get some more, and that reminds me, must return to the shop and pay for them as their debit card machine was down!

Corydoras Gold Line 1
Two Corydoras Aeneus “Peru Gold Stripe” catfish

Corydoras Gold Line 2
Larger of the two Corydoras Aeneus“Peru Gold Stripe” catfish

Corydoras Gold Line 3
Smaller of the two Corydoras Aeneus “Peru Gold Stripe” catfish

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Standard Angelfish Adopt Fry

Monday, June 5th, 2006

I’ve been trying without success for over twelve months to spawn and rear Silver Pearscale Angelfish fry. The parents are the results of selected breeding. Unfortunately, the parents get “spooked” and eat the fry, at various stages, fertile egg stage, wrigglers, and free swimming. I’ve tried on several occasions to introduce the fry with other spawning Angelfish, only to find that the fry have been eaten by the parents I’ve introduced them to.

A few days ago a pair of Standard Silver Angelfish spawned, at the exact time, (these are excellent parents) the pair of Silver Pearscale Angelfish spawned, I waited for the fry to hatch, and at the wriggler stage, when I noticed the Standard Silver Angelfish were moving their fry to a new nest, introduced the Pearscale fry.

Success The fry (both standard and pearscale) are all now free swimming, and the new parents are looking after the whole brood. All the fry from the pearscale parents appear white/golden in colour, compared to the Silver’s fry, which appear grey/black.

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Hikari Products back within the month!

Monday, June 5th, 2006

I’ve spoken to PPI this afternoon, the Sole Distributors for Hikari products in the UK, which stated that Hikari Products could be back within the month!

I hope so; other inferior brands seem to be appearing weekly.

I’ve also notice a a few eBayers, trying to cash in on the shortage selling 100 wafers for 9 GBP!

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