Archive for April, 2007

Nannacara adoketa pictures

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

The Nannacara adoketa are settling in very well, feeding on Tetra Prima, Bloodworm and Diskusin, I’ve not moved them yet from their quarantine tanks. I’ll do this over the next couple of weeks, and will remove the possible pair to a setup, with sandy bottom and old leaves.

Nannacara adoketa3
Possibly Female?

Nannacara adoketa4
Not happy!

Nannacara adoketa5
Younger Nannacara adoketa at the bottom.

Nannacara adoketa6
Possibly Male?

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Male Ancistrus

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

If you’ve come via a bookmark or RSS Newsreader “thru’ the backdoor”, you will not have noticed that I’ve changed the image on the Home Page.

It’s given me an opportunity to try out a new digital camera, the “boss” doesn’t read the blog, so she’ll never know, unless you tell her, and I’ll know!

I’ve still got a Digital SLR, which gives great results, but a decent Canon macro lens and flash is very expensive for such a camera, and you can get good macro fucntions in smaller compact Digital Cameras, you can also get closer to the glass with a compact Digital Cameras – this one was a bargain!

So here’s the first picture I took with the new camera, which is also featured on the home page, if you missed it, here it is again.

Male Ancistrus
Male Ancistrus sp. Bristlenose catfish to most of us fishkeepers, this one is rather special because it doesn’t have the usual colouration as most common, it is almost black with white spots, and it will not breed with any of the common females!

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New Gearbox .. Ouch!

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Oh and just when I thought I was flush with money this month, the gearbox in the Yellow Peril broke, it’s not been happy selecting 2nd Gear for over 12 months, and then it stopped going into 2nd Gear!

New gearbox required!

New Gearbox!
If you look carefully, the new silver thing is the new shiny gearbox! Hope this one does 157,000 miles!

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Spring’s Warming Up..

Wednesday, April 11th, 2007

Since, I’ve put all the insulation in the fish house, it’s warming up nicely now at a constant room temperature of 26 degrees C. I’ll need to put an air conditioning unit in there soon, if it becomes too hot.

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Esther on Alfred!

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Esther and Alfred
Esther on Alfred!

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Genetically Modified Tropical Fish

Tuesday, April 3rd, 2007

You may have noticed the banner advert at the footer of the blog Campaigning for the Ban on Dyed Tropical Fish led by PraticalFishkeeping.

I’ve been seeing quite a few Pink/Red Zebra Danios of late in the local tropical fish shops, and thought these were colour endhanced, but they could be possibly genetically modified. If these fish are GMed, they are illegal in the UK, as a license from DEFRA to keep and import is requried.

Last night a program called Animal Farm stated that GMed fish could be on-sale across the world.

The following four minute clipped was aired on Channel 4’s Animal Farm last night (2 April 2007).

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Possible Pair of N.Adoketa

Monday, April 2nd, 2007

Lots of flaring of gills in the quarantine tank, I think there is a possible pair of N.Adoketa. These small South American Cichlids are very aggressive, I may have to seperate before the end of the qurantine period, otheriwse I may experience loses.

I’ve finished sealing the plastered ceiling in the fish house this evening with a PVA/water solution ready to paint with white emlusion paint.

The additional air compressor is causing a larger buzz/hum, which can now be heard in the master bedroom above. I may beed to move the air pumps.

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Mystery Tree in the front garden.

Sunday, April 1st, 2007

We’ve finally worked out what one of the trees in our front garden is.

It’s a Magnolia Tree!

Magnolia 1

Magnolia 2

Magnolia 3

Magnolia 4

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