Archive for March, 2007

A Bit of Car Loving!

Saturday, March 10th, 2007

Most of you probably know we drive a Peugeot Talbot 205 Rallye Sport Special.

Yes : We still have it!

We’ve had the Yellow Peril for many years, and despite 157,900 miles on the clock, it’s still going, unlike many other 205s which have since gone to the Great Scrapyard in the Sky.

This isn’t anything to do with the house, but what the heck, it’s my blog, and the site is about Andysworld.

The Solex carburetor has been playing up for many years due to possibly a worn throttle linkage or ice in the carburetor on cold mornings, in the winter it can sometimes be a pregnant dog, and in the summer also or it just needs a knew carb, or someone that understands them that can strip it down and clean it!

Today, I thought it was time to give the car some luvvving…So I’ve cleaned the leather seats ready for some leather nourishment cream, fixed a hole in the boot with Isopan P40/aluminium mesh and cleaned the carburetor with Redex.

Here is the video of The Redex Experiment hosted on You Tube.

After test driving the car, it certainly has more poke than before, and the throttle seems more responsive! We will see what those damp/cold mornings are like next week.

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Mission to Leeds

Friday, March 9th, 2007

I was hoping to go to Leeds this evening to collect a pair of Yellow Longfin Quad CrownTail Betta Splendens but I’ve just had a text message from the breeder that has informed me that the male has died! So it doesn’t look as if I’m going now!

The breeder came home to find his landlord had moved tables and shelves whilst fixing the central heating system. Having done this, it knocked all the cards away from inbetween the containers and left all the males able to see each other!

Male Yellow Crowntail
Male Yellow Longfin Quad CrownTail Betta Splendens, I was hoping to collect!

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Clifford’s Tower, York

Friday, March 9th, 2007

It’s almost Spring, the days are warmer (not today!) and the 5kg bag of daffodils we planted in November are almost in bloom. I’ll post a picture here, when they are, but in York the daffodils are in bloom, he’s a picture I took yesterday.

Cliffords Tower
Not a picture of our house, but Cliffords Tower in York.

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Moved Tank

Thursday, March 8th, 2007

Finally moved another 4 four foot tank into the fish house, this has been positioned below the leaking four foot tank, so rather than leaking into a cat litter tray, the tank above is leaking into the tank below. My plan is to move all the water/fish/filters in the tank below, so I can fix the tank above. Hopefully third time lucky and this tank will hold water and not leak.

On a fish mission to Leeds tomorrow evening, more on that later, and hopefully more pictures.

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Python Syphon

Sunday, March 4th, 2007

I’m still trying to fix this in the fish house, without getting more water on the floor.

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Harvey’s Pet Shop, 10 Dyer Lane, Beverley

Saturday, March 3rd, 2007

Whilst in Beverley today, I popped into a local pet shop that I noticed for the first time, were selling tropical fish, there is only a small selection of “bread and butter” tropical fish upstairs, approx eight tanks, neons, guppies, cloan loach, fighters etc, tanks are very clean, and the fish are all very healthy – the owners are very friendly, and if you ask, can order you most fish. I purchased some Bleeding Heart Tetras, to add to a larger collection I have, at a very competetive price of 1.45GBP each.

There was also a tank of possibly desribed as Yellow haplochromis, very nice fish, and if it was still in the tank, when I returned later that day, would have purchased one – but it had sold earlier that day! Damn!

(the shop is oppposite the Auto/Motor shop where I purchased me leather cream/cleaner for my new leather seats!).

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