Posts Tagged ‘mysql’
Saturday, May 30th, 2009
All seems to have gone well, I think. Here’s the boring techie, nerdie stuff. I started the move this afternoon at 12.30pm by changing the IPSTAG from the existing registrar to new new one. This change happened immediately, and the IPSTAG was changed to the new registrar. In hindsight, I think it would have been better to change the DNS nameservers first to point to the new hosting server rather than after. There was a small issue, and just my luck, after I had changed the IPSTAG, I noticed that there was a strange error in the transfer to the new registrar, and this is why:
“Unfortunately the company Nominet, the governing body of all .uk domains is currently out of service and experiencing problems. We are waiting for their systems to come back up.”
At approx 5.00pm, I was able to complete the transfer successfully, and update the nameservers to point to the new hosting server. During this time, I started copying the blog software and database to the new hosting server (here).
At present, I’m still waiting for the nameservers to update. So at present the old hosting server is responding to requests.
Tags: database, domain, hosting, mysql
Posted in All, blog, blog upgrade, computing, hosting | Comments Off on Website Move
Wednesday, April 29th, 2009
You may have visited and found you were greeted with a blank page in the last 24 hours! I think I’ve found the issue, and disabled that feature! I think it’s linked to the performance of my hosts MySQL shared database server, running out of steam!
Tags: blog, database, host, mysql
Posted in All, blog upgrade | Comments Off on Blog performance, blank home page!
Friday, April 17th, 2009
I’ve completed the migration of data from the old legacy FishHouse and Our House blogs to this new blog WordPress.
New posts for the fish house blog can be located in the fish house category, and likewise with posts to the our house blog, can be located in house.
I’ve left the old legacy blogs in place for the current time. If you find any issues please let me know.
Tags: bblog, blog, liunux, mysql, php, plugins, wordpress
Posted in All, blog, blog upgrade | Comments Off on All Done!
Monday, April 13th, 2009
Still having issues with the performance of WordPress. As you may have noticed by now when visiting the site, sometimes it just displays a blank page with no error. I’m still trying to track down the fault, it’s possibly caused by MySQL database issues, PHP errors, PHP Memory issue or lack of performance on host! So I’ve currently disabled all plugins, to test if it’s a plugin fault!!!
Tags: database issues, host, memory issue, mysql, php, php linux, wordpress
Posted in All, blog upgrade | Comments Off on Still struggling with WordPress running config
Friday, April 10th, 2009
i think it could be the hosts server php or mysql database, that’s the issue.
Tags: database, mysql, php
Posted in All, blog upgrade | Comments Off on still not happy with performance!
Tuesday, April 7th, 2009
just integrated the new blog software to automatically update twitter. I just need to workout the mysql error, to complete the conversion!
Tags: blog, mysql
Posted in All, blog upgrade | Comments Off on Automatically Update Twitter
Monday, April 6th, 2009
okay, I’ll come clean, I broke it. In messing with the mysql tables, I must have removed the Page, that is used to display the “posts”. It took me a while to find the issue this evening. I thought it was performance related, and was going to pull wordpress, I only want to upgrade, because I thought it may be quicker, than the older blog software. I’ll carry on testing, but still have issues converting and importing the old data. I may have to export the data, hand convert on a wintel platform, convert all the data, because I think what I’m trying to do, is beyond the access controls I have over the hosted mysql database.
Tags: blog, database, linux, microsoft, mysql, windows, wintel, wordpress
Posted in All, blog upgrade | Comments Off on i broke it!
Monday, April 6th, 2009
I’ve still got MySQL code issues, importing and converting from the old blog software to the new WordPress blog software. I’ve now also turned off the home page because I’m not happy with the performance on this server platform, I wanted to upgrade to WordPress to increase performance, but the home page is not loading correctly.
Tags: development, mysql
Posted in All, blog upgrade | Comments Off on Performance Appalling
Friday, April 3rd, 2009
These times are changing it’s been five years, I’ve been blogging, and the software I’ve been using has run it’s course and it’s time to upgrade to something more current. Over the next coming months, I will try and merge aquablog and our house blogs into one blog, with different categories, rather than two seperate blogs which is how they exist at present. This will allow me to blog in more specific categories, fish house, garden DIY, car, computers, internet etc, you get the general idea. So you can select a category (section) to read, rather than ready all the rubbish I blog about. The FishHouse Blog! and Our House blogs haven’t moved and are still there. Just click the links to access them. Eventually they will be merged into categorys (sections) here.
Tags: aquablog, bblog, blog, blogging, blogs, DIY, fish, fish house, garden, house, internet, mysql, php linux, upgrade, wordpress
Posted in All, blog upgrade, fish house, house | Comments Off on These times are changing…