An aquarist in Germany recommended that I try
Sera Catfish Chips for Ancistrus and Pleco Catfish if I’m finding it difficult in obtaining Hikari
Algae Wafers, he has had great success with this product in Germany. Many high
quality aquarium products come from Germany, Eheim,
Tetra and
Dennerle are just a few manufacturers,
so I’ll definitely experiment with this product.
Sera retailers in the UK are not common, but I know a place on my doorstep that
stocks Sera products. Petland, York is a
Sera retailer.
I purchased some Sera Catfish Chips for Ancistrus and Pleco Catfish, the
ingredients are very interesting because the usual marine algae and spirulina
are present, but willow wood and bark and alder wood are also ingredients. This
product will certainly help if you have no bogwood present in your aquariums for
the catfish to graze on. Many years ago, when I first saw a "pleco" in aquaria,
it was given willow wood and bark to graze on, this was before the days of any
"Algae Wafers", it was said, that chemicals in the willow made the catfish
sleepy, like an anaesthetic if they ate too much, so it was only fed in small
quantities. This is the first fish food product I’ve seen using "wood" as an

I offer my fish a varied diet to stop them getting hooked on one type of
food, I vary the food each day, here’s a list of the products I use:-
- Tetra Prima.
- Tetra Tips Freeze Dried Tablets.
- Tetra Fresh Delica Daphinia, Bloodworm, Brine Shrimp.
- Tetra Holiday and Weekend Food Sticks.
- Tetra Min Flake Food.
- JMC Catfish Pellets.
- Barlow’s Aquatics Sinking, Stinking Catfish Pellets.
- Nutrafin Max Complete Flake Food.
- Aquarian Tropical Flake Food.
- Phoenix Tropical Flake.
- Today’s Freeze Dried Tubifex Worms.
- ZM 000, 100, 200, 300, 400, Small, Medium and Large Granular Advanced Fish
- Ruto Frozen foods, Spinach, Tubifex and Bloodworm.
- Frozen prawns.
- Courgettes, Cucumber, peas and lettuce.
- Live Food when available.
- and Sera Catfish Chips for Ancistrus and Pleco
When I first started "fishkeeping", many years ago, when my Dad won a
goldfish at the Fun Fair, we came home with a glass goldfish bowl, and a
cardboard tube of ant eggs to feed the goldfish.
Tropical Fish Food Technology has greatly improved! If it had not improved, I
don’t think I would have been as successful in breeding and caring for the
tropical fish in the many years I’ve kept them. For many years I was hooked on
Aquarian Tropical Flake, not personally, but variety is the spice of life!
Go on, change your food today!