Archive for the ‘general’ Category

Back to West Country 2011

Wednesday, July 13th, 2011

You may have noticed the abscence of blogs, in the last 12 days, that’s because I’ve been back “home” to the land of the Cream Team. That’s Devon and Cornwall if you’ve never had a scone with Cornish clotted cream.

A good friend of mine “Boot Ferrule Man” got married. (So Congratulations again to Paul and Sally). Drop by his website So spent 10 days in Devon and Cornwall catching up with folk and doing a few touristy things, like eating Cream Teas, visiting St Ives, Tavistock and The Garden House.

The last time we visited Devon and Cornwall was in 2007.

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Tokyo Council Building, Shinjuku, Tokyo

Friday, April 1st, 2011

Well I think it’s better known as Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, located in Shinjuku, Japan was the tallest building in Tokyo. Shinjuku also has the busiest train station in the world! (and it’s busy!).

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office

Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building

It has a two panoramic observation decks, one in each tower on floor 45, we went there one evening 7 days before the big one of March 11, and we also had dinner in the resturant.

View from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building

View from the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building

View from Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building At Night

View from Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building At Night

and just to prove we were there, here’s a screenshot from an Ipad, using Assisted-GPS (it annoys me when people keep telling me they are using GPS with an iPad or iPhone!) of Google Maps in the  Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building, Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.

Google Maps view on iPad with GPS at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building

Google Maps view on iPad with GPS at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office Building

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Big in Japan

Thursday, March 31st, 2011
Snow Monkey in Onsen in Nagano

Snow Monkey in Onsen in Nagano

The link from the last post yesterday is… for the last four weeks I’ve been craving Ambrosia Devon Custard! (hence not many posts for March)

Harajuku Girls

Harajuku Girls

7 days ago we returned from Japan, where we’ve travelling around Japan for 3 weeks (and if you didn’t know, yes Lindsey and I were there, when the Big 8.9M Earthquake Hit and all the tremors afterwards!) – we are okay – and the holiday wasn’t affected – other than the occasioanal room and bed shake! Overall a Fanastic, exciting time in Japan, and I’m looking forward to going back soon!

We’ve travelled over 2000km around Japan. Tokyo to Nagano, Nagano to Matsumoto, Matsumoto to Takayamma, Takayamma to Kanazawa,  Kanazawa to Hiroshima, Hiroshima to Kurashiki,  Kurashiki to Kyoto,  Kyoto to Togendai, Togendai to Tokyo, Tokyo to Nagoya.

An evening (1hr) with a maiko (an apprentice geisha) called kofuku, in Kyoto, visiting the Snow Monekys in Nagano, riding Shinkansen (bullet trains) at 182mph (confirmed and verfied!),  eating conveyor belt sushi, visting temples, japanese gardens, road cable cars and pirate ships, witnessed a rare site of Mt Fuji over two days, visited outdoor art, Henry Moore, Barbra Hepworth, and Pablo Picasso sculpture and art, and saw the plum and cherry blossom.

plum blossom

plum blossom

Lindsey has taken lots of digital photographs which will be uploaded soon. I’ve almost finished ‘An evening with a kofuku DVD’. But also have another 180 minutes of Japan to edit.

Shinkansen (bullet train)

Shinkansen (bullet train)

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Ambrosia Devon Custard

Wednesday, March 30th, 2011
Ambrosia Devon Custard

Ambrosia Devon Custard

Yes, I’ve gone bonkers! What’s new! I’ll explain tomorrow!

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WOW! Man, look at the pretty colours!

Friday, February 4th, 2011

Our television has started to fail, the left and right side of the picture has turned into a quivering jelly. So as long as you concentrate on the centre of the picture, you’ll not get motion sickness. This television was purchased in 1989! I’ve decided not to purchase a replacement television until the end of 2012. (but I’ve just checked an they’ve brought if forward to August/September 2011 – Digital Switch Over that is!). But to try and snag one from Freecycle. This is proving difficult, but today, my request was accepted, and this is our new Television.

Freeycle TV - Rubbish!

Freeycle TV - Rubbish! - WOW! Man, look at the pretty colours!

So this is the TV, described as  “Large, probably 28inch remote control Toshiba TV. Good working order.” – So I’ve got two broken TV’s in the lounge now. Me thinks they just wanted a mug to take it to the tip!

So Lindsey & I have decided we not need a TV anymore, and we’ve turned off the lights, and listening to  Creedence Clearwater Revival!

Peace and Love Man!

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Last post of 2010 – Happy New Year 2011

Friday, December 31st, 2010

This will be my last post of 2010, and to all readers a Happy New Year 2011, a may it be a Prosperous One!

It’s been the coldest December in North Yorkshire since 1840, ball cock froze, drain pipe froze, pipes froze, and the ground is just starting to thaw, after tomorrow I think all the snow may have gone, that fell in late November 2010.

Here are a collection of photographs taken in December 2010, to remind us of those cold dark days

All the best for 2011 – Folks…

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Merry Christmas 2010 from Andysworld!

Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
Photograph of frost

Photograph of frost crystals - mini christmas tree forest!

Merry Christmas from Andysworld! to Family and Friends, and casual readers of Andysworld! wherever your reading this blog in the World!

Take Care!

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Ice Cold Unbuntu

Monday, December 6th, 2010

I’m not talking about a flavour of Linux but the only Fairtrade cola called Unbuntu.

Unbuntu - The only Fairtrade Cola

Unbuntu - The only Fairtrade Cola

This Christmas why not swap your normal cola for an Unbuntu cola.

The cola is named after the African philosophy of Ubuntu, which means ‘humanity or fellow feeling; kindness‘.

Ubuntu Cola’s sugar is sourced from Fairtrade worker cooperatives in Kasinthula, Malawi and Kaleya, Zambia. Farmers who are members of the Fairtrade cooperative at Kasinthula receive an income of $4 a day, which is six times the national average income.

Want an Icecold Unbuntu - leave it in the snow!

Want an Icecold Unbuntu - leave it in the snow!

An Icecold Unbuntu

An Icecold Unbuntu

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A few Wintery Pictures from North Yorkshire

Thursday, December 2nd, 2010

We didn’t have much snow last night, so it remains the same at about 2-3 feet in places. But it’s still very cold, and I believe colder tonight.


Yes, these are our Holly Tree’s!


and this is on our Pear Tree!

Lindsey and I went for a walk today, to check how bad the roads were, but it was cut short, when a blizzard arrived and it was bitter cold. Later in the afternoon, I thought it was about time to check the cars over, and remove the 2 feet worth of snow which has covered them for over a week and start them up, but it wasn’t such a good idea, there was not enough space on the driveway for all the snow I’d brushed off the cars, and when trying to move my car out into the road, I got stuck in the snow, moving it back onto the drive and had to dig the snow off the driver to get my car back on, as the car was sliding and wheels were spinning!

anyway here are some nice Wintery Pictures from North Yorkshire … Keep warm..

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Still snowing…

Wednesday, December 1st, 2010

It’s still snowing here, the snow falls hit the North East of the UK again last night, and it snowed non-stop this morning for four hours from 8am – 12 noon (I watched it!).

It’s still snowing now, and we’ve got about 2 feet of snow in the garden now. I’ll get some snowy pictures tomorrow.

The roads must be bad because we didn’t see the Postman today! I’m glad I’ve booked my Online Shopping delivery for Christmas Day! (it could be weeks before we drive the cars again).

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