Well, I’ve used the repair option on a Windows XP Professional cdrom slipstreamed with Service Pack 2, and then re-applied Service Pack 3, and the networking issues is still present!
Archive for April, 2009
Windows XP Workstation!
Thursday, April 23rd, 2009Who said “I’ve got a favourite!”
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009Compost frame (After)
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009(sorry folks got distracted, the Chairperson of the newly formed Allotment Association came to collect some of my Tomatoe plants!)
After some cutting with the jigsaw, hammering of nails, and stapling here we have the new lid.
it sits on top of the composter
I’ve recently dug out over 500 litres of organic compost, which has been used in the garden. Here’s a picture of compost corner.
Two plastic composters made from recycled plastic, and a 1m x 1m square wooden composter, the wood has started to rot, so this will need replacing in the next year or so.
Compost frame (Before)
Wednesday, April 22nd, 2009This is a little job, I’ve been meaning to do for a while. The lid on my composter broke a year ago, the cooking apples on the tree above the composter, fell and broke the black pvc on the compost lid. The result of this was the compost has been getting too wet and too dry. So armed with a Black and Decker jigsaw, hammer, staple-gun and nails time to fix.
Wot No Broadband! Outage for 4 hours!
Tuesday, April 21st, 2009I’ve had no broadband since 10.30am this morning when it went off. I had to phone a friend (Thanks Paul) to ask him to find the telephone number for my broadband supplied Eclipse, so I could give them a call to find out why I had no broadband (internet) connection. It would appear that Eclipe’s peering partner Tiscali had a fault, or the fault was between Eclipse’s servers and Tiscali’s infrastructure. The Technical Support person actually declared this time I was on a Tiscali product and not a BT product, this is not LLU because it’s not reached our exchange yet, but it’s not a BT product that I’m using.
All of Eclispe’s customers on Tiscali products were affected as far as I am aware.
Broadband came back on 32 minutes ago, according to router stats!
Way back Then :- How Does Your Garden Grow?
Monday, April 20th, 2009When the term blog wasn’t invented, I was “blogging” of sorts here with How Does Your Garden Grow? It was a few years ago, when a friend told me he was captivated by my blog, that he started to grow his own vegetables. (Thanks David!) I said “what blog?”, that’s not a blog, well I suppose it was!!!! If you not seen it, it’s still here How Does Your Garden Grow? (please be patient, it’s not bandwidth friendly and badly coded!)
So I’ve really been blooging of sorts since 2003! Which reminds me to why I posting…..
In Memory of Esme & Charlie, this is a piece of video footage I found on a DV tape, down the back of my desk. Where better to archive it, but on youtube!
It was shot in June 2003, what we didn’t know at the time this video was taken was that Charlie would fall seriously ill and die in September of that very same year. Esme died 3 years later in July 2006 of aspirated pneumonia. Esme is the soggy cat, that has just fallen in the pond, and Charlie is the white cat in the background that comes into frame.
Tomatoe Update
Sunday, April 19th, 2009An update on the tomatoes and chilli plants growing in the porch. Tomatoes are doing very well, chilli plants are very slow growing, I may transfer into 3″ pots now. I’ve been asking people, if they want any free tomatoe plants, not had any takes yet! I don’t know what’s the matter with them, if I was offered FREE tomatoe plants, I would take them. The weather has been so warm outside, that two of my tomatoe plants were severely affected by heat and wilted, one has recovered fully, the other looks very poor.
Blueberry and Goji-berry bushes
Sunday, April 19th, 2009I’ve been neglecting my blueberry bushes over the past few years, and just reaping the benefits, lots of fruit from May through until September. Last year, the first time in five years, the crop wasn’t as good, I’m not too sure if this was seasonal, birds eating the fruit, or time to prune, top dress and fertilise the bushes. In the five years I’ve had them, apart from potting them up and investing in an automated water irrigation system – I’ve just eaten the fruit! So in the last couple of days, I’ve weeded, and top dressed, and washed all the hydroleca on top of the pots. I’ve also purchased some fertiliser to feed them in May.