Wot No Broadband! Outage for 4 hours!

I’ve had no broadband since 10.30am this morning when it went off. I had to phone a friend (Thanks Paul) to ask him to find the telephone number for my broadband supplied Eclipse, so I could give them a call to find out why I had no broadband (internet) connection. It would appear that Eclipe’s peering partner Tiscali had a fault, or the fault was between Eclipse’s servers and Tiscali’s infrastructure. The Technical Support person actually declared this time I was on a Tiscali product and not a BT product, this is not LLU because it’s not reached our exchange yet, but it’s not a BT product that I’m using.

All of Eclispe’s customers on Tiscali products were affected as far as I am aware.

Broadband came back on 32 minutes ago, according to router stats!

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