Posts Tagged ‘tabby-cat’

Brother and Sister together at last!

Sunday, December 2nd, 2012

angus-and-tillyAngus and Tilly, together at last, or the ground is frozen solid, and it’s too cold!

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Andysworld! Advent Calendar – Dec 18 – Tilly at Christmas!

Sunday, December 18th, 2011


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Andysworld! Advent Calendar – Dec 2 – Tilly Rare Limited Edition Photograph

Friday, December 2nd, 2011

Not often seen, this very rare species, Catus Tabbious! – Tilly!

Tilly at rest

Tilly at rest



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Tilly in washing basket

Sunday, June 26th, 2011

Too hot today, 29 degrees C and above, must be too hot for Tilly as well, I spotted her in the washing basket asleep!

Tilly in washing basket

Tilly in washing basket

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Tilly and Albert!

Saturday, June 4th, 2011
Tilly and Albert

Tilly and Albert

Not enough pictures of Tilly on the website, so here’s another one Lindsey took today, of Tilly with Albert.

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Esther, Angus and Tilly – June 2011

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

Lindsey says, there’s never any pictures of Esther and Tilly on the blog, so I thought I would correct this.

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Cats new toy – Cat It Design Series Sensory Activity Centre

Sunday, November 29th, 2009

I thought as both Lindsey & I work long days, I would purchase the cats (Esther, Angus and Tilly) a new interractive toy, so they wouldn’t get bored during the day, and to stimulate their minds and body!

I purchased a new Cat It Design Series Sensory Activity Centre for them to play with from Purrr-Fection Ltd (  It consists of three items

  • The Catit® Design Senses Massage Center
  • The Catit® Design Senses Scratch Pad
  • The Catit® Design Senses Play Circuit

Most times, we purchase toys and they don’t play with them, well here’s the proof, they like the Cat It Design Series Sensory Activity Centre.



cats-new-toy3-tillyTilly playing on the Cat It Design Series Sensory Activity Centre.



cats-new-toy6-angusAngus playing on the Cat It Design Series Sensory Activity Centre.

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Tilda in the clover

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

Tilly (Tilda) in the clover, lawn needs cutting again…

Tilda in the clover

Tilda in the clover

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The elusive Matilda!

Saturday, May 23rd, 2009
The elusive Matilda!

The elusive Matilda!

This is our cat Tilly! She doesn’t like me very much, so it’s unusual she stayed still long enough for me to get this picture!

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Way back Then :- How Does Your Garden Grow?

Monday, April 20th, 2009

When the term blog wasn’t invented, I was “blogging” of sorts here with How Does Your Garden Grow? It was a few years ago, when a friend told me he was captivated by my blog, that he started to grow his own vegetables. (Thanks David!) I said “what blog?”, that’s not a blog, well I suppose it was!!!! If you not seen it, it’s still here How Does Your Garden Grow? (please be patient, it’s not bandwidth friendly and badly coded!)

So I’ve really been blooging of sorts since 2003! Which reminds me to why I posting…..

In Memory of Esme & Charlie, this is a piece of video footage I found on a DV tape, down the back of my desk. Where better to archive it, but on youtube!

It was shot in June 2003, what we didn’t know at the time this video was taken was that Charlie would fall seriously ill and die in September of that very same year. Esme died 3 years later in July 2006 of aspirated pneumonia. Esme is the soggy cat, that has just fallen in the pond, and Charlie is the white cat in the background that comes into frame.

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