Juvenile Pangasius Sanitwongsei
I learnt today, that Tescos, Sainsbury’s and ADSA in the United Kingdom are selling a cheap white fish at the fishmongers counter which are usually available live from the local tropical fish shop. Very small or very large unwanted specimens of the Pangasius catfish are usually seen in local tropical fish shops.

Pangasius Catfish
It’s sold as Pangasius, Vietnamese River Cobbler, White Catfish, Gray Sole, I know it as the Pangasius catfish (which there are a few species) or Paroon/Iridescent shark
I’ve seen very large wild specimens in China, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnamin in the rivers. I must dig out some video footage, I recorded in Bangkok, in the canals, of these very large fish.
Interesting article here
A nine foot one was described here in PFK in 2005.