This video was created in response to Experts Exchange members asking the question “have I compromised my ESXi host be adding to AD?”
In this video presentation which is part of the Hancock’s VMware Half Hour I will show you HOW TO: Check if you have compromised your VMware ESXi 8.0 Hosts if you have added them to Microsoft Active Directory.
In this video demonstration the ESXi servers are ESXi 8.0.3, which have the “fix” detailed below
On the 29th July 2024, Microsoft discovered a vulnerability in ESXi hypervisors being exploited by several ransomware operators to obtain full administrative permissions on domain-joined ESXi hypervisors.
VMware vCenter Server 8.0.3a Build 24091160 was released on the 17th July 2024.
In this video presentation which is part of the Hancock’s VMware Half Hour I will show you HOW TO: Update VMware vSphere vCenter Server 8.0.3 to 8.0.3a using the Reduced Downtime Upgrade (RDU) function.
This procedure can be used to update any VMware vCenter Server 8.0 update in the future. VMware have released a new feature in later versions of VMware vSphere vCenter 8.0 called the Reduced Downtime Upgrade (RDU), which reduces downtime from over 60, minutes to 10 minutes. We would traditionally use the VAMI method here
It was time for a change! So from today, I’ll be using this new artwork, across the social channels, and for more VMware content to come. It encompasses three things in my life, which I hold true, which is VMware, Experts Exchange and #beekeeping. My Thanks to Devolutions and their graphic designer Stacy Bensa for all the hard work, in creating the design for me. Again Thank You.
In this video presentation which is part of the Hancock’s VMware Half Hour I will show you HOW NOT TO: Compromise your VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 5.1, 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 6.7, 7.0, 8.0 by adding to Microsoft Active Directory. I will demonstrate the exposure, and discuss how to avoid it.
In this video demonstration the ESXi servers are ESXi ARM 7.0, but the same functionality has been built into ESXi since 5.1.
On the 29th July 2024, Microsoft discovered a vulnerability in ESXi hypervisors being exploited by several ransomware operators to obtain full administrative permissions on domain-joined ESXi hypervisors.
So I received this as an instructor late Friday 9th August 2024, at approximately 11pm – I had already heard rumours of this because NDG labs had notification earlier on the 2nd August 2024, I’m not sure why it was delayed going out to instructors, I still don’t have an email to my Administrator Account which is registered with the VMware IT Academy Software Licensing Programs, I have yet to receive a response to questions about this email, it states you can purchasxe subscriptions up until 15 August 2024, but seats and licenses must be obtained before 31 August 2024, otherwise email them for assistance!