Posts Tagged ‘Synodontis Ocellifer’

Spotty my 20 year old Large-spot Catfish

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

Spotty my 20 year old Large-spot Catfish, Synodontis ocellifer died today.

I removed him from the large quaratine tank, and moved him into a small 17l tank, and started to treat with Melafix and Primafix, a three day treatment, but it wasn’t working, so I finally switched to anti-biotics last night. He survived the night, and was looking okay this morning, but Lindsey has just found him dead.

I don’t normally name fish, and I don’t know why I named him, but he’s been with me 20 years.  I first purchased him from Blagdon Aquatics in Plymouth, when they first opened their store at the front of the new Hombase Store and multi-storey car park, in the green house dome at the front. (Toy’s r Us are there now, I think).

He will be sadly missed, so I’ve buried him in my front garden under the trees. (most dead fish go in the dustbin but Spotty was special).

Spotty the 20 year old Large-spot Catfish, Synodontis ocellifer

Spotty the 20 year old Large-spot Catfish, Synodontis ocellifer

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Spotty is poorly

Monday, September 14th, 2009

Spotty my pet Large spot catfish Synodontis Ocellifer is poorly, in the last few days, his character has changed, he normally hides all day, and comes out for feeding, and he’s out at night, but I’ve noticed him out during the day.

I’ve moved him to a quarantine tank on his own, but I fear the worst.

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