Posts Tagged ‘Munchy Seeds’

Andy’s quest for Vanilla Pumpkin Seeds as a tasty snack! Well done @grazedotcom – sorry @MunchySeeds !

Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016

Many years ago, I used to be able to obtain vanilla pumpkin seeds, and I would purchase packets and tubs from Munchy Seeds

from my local Health Food shop, I’ve tried normal pumpkin seeds, but in my opinion not as tasty, and not as attractive. I contacted Munchy Seeds and they told me they had discontinued vanilla pumpkin seeds, because they were not popular, so my quest continued….Lindsey found that the successful company GRAZE, snacks by mail company, have started to stock Vanilla Pumpkin Seeds, I’ve personally found that their snacks by mail expensive, but they’ve recently started to diversify, and sell the GRAZE products in Waitrose, Tescos, ASDA, Sainsbury’s etcs , and now have an Online Shop to sell direct!

And they sell Vanilla Pumpkin Seeds,

so it would look like Munchy Seed’s loss, is GRAZE’s gain!

Here is our first box….of 3 x Vanilla Pumpkin Seeds, and Jam Doughnut

And they are all very yummy!

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