Posts Tagged ‘Equallogic’

New Eaton 12kVA UPS Arrives for the Datacenter!

Monday, October 13th, 2014
Eaton UPS Delivery

Eaton UPS Delivery

Comments, received, what have you ordered now!!!

It’s been in the plan and design for many months, and today the new Eaton 12kVA UPS arrived for the Datacenter, 10 days early, and un-announced!

This will replace ALL our ageing APC UPS, which have battery failures, and difficult to manage when you have eight independent UPS!

This new Eaton 12kVA UPS, can be configured as 12kVA or 2 x 6kVA in parallel, it will be configured in our datacenter as 2 x 6kVA in parallel.

It weighs in at approx 288kg, and is approx 15u or 90 inches high, it’s 2 UPS, with 2 external battery packs, and a Eaton PowerEasy Module. [I’ll upload so more pictures when it’s racked and hared wired!]

This will provide power, when we have brownouts, for approx 45 minutes for all the VMware vSphere Hosts, Storage Area Networks (NetApp and Equallogic), and Storage Area Network switches, it also has a feature called “Load Shedding” where we can specify Critical Virtual Machines, e.g. Microsoft Active Directory Domain Controllers and Microsoft Sharepoint Servers, and in the event of a power outage, will shutdown all non-essential virtual machines and hosts, to extend runtime, during the power outage.

“[19:01:12] Melly from Experts Exchange commented : you seem super stoked!!”

Andy sits on the Eaton UPS!

Andy sits on the Eaton UPS!

super stoked!! – is that Surf Dude speak for too much Red Bull!

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