Earlier in the month, I reported (here’s the blog) that my Broadband has an intermittent fault AGAIN. Back in 2010, I had similar if not the same issues, and it had to be escalted to BT, it looks like, it will have to be escalted to BT again! The problem is an unstable line, disconnects, occasional slow throughout, down to 0.4Mbps.
It’s been reported to Eclipse Internet, my ISP, who are not to blame, as they do not own the telegraph wire from my house to the exchange. British Telecommunications plc, “BT” own that!
Eclipse Internet, changed the Interleave on the line from ON to OFF, to try and stablise the line, but it did not make any difference, and the issues continues…….
stay tuned for the next installment of Broadband Woes Revisited Update Soon!

Draytek Vigor Connection Statistics Interleaved ON

ADSL STATUS Interleaved ON

Draytek Vigor Connection Statistics Interleaved OFF

Notice the increase in sync speed (Down Speed), but unfortunately, it did not make any difference to throughput, or fix the issue.