Posts Tagged ‘bramble’

Day 4 – Game of Thorns Part 4

Sunday, August 20th, 2017

Day 4. – Game of Thorns Part 4

Hopefully today, will be the final day, and I will be able to just run the hedger through the remainder of the hedge. So not as labour intensive, and we can finish early.

The hedge is CUT, just a little tidy up todo around my greenhouse!



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Day 3 – Game of Thorns Part 3

Saturday, August 19th, 2017

Day 3. – Game of Thorns Part 3

another Saturday, another weekend, and we are stilling cutting the hedge, but there is now light at the end of the tunnel, as we are now out of the majority of hawthorn and brambles!

Yes, that is a christmas tree in the front garden planted about approx 20 years ago..

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Day 2 – Game of Thorns Part 2

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Day 2. – Game of Thorns Part 2

So my arms got so badly cut up with hawthorn and blackthorn, I’m wearing my leather cow-hide beekeeping gauntlets today, so I look like I’m handling radio active waste, and the thorns are still cutting into my hands and skin through the leather!

This is as far as we’ve got today, and another 8 bags to the dump!

See pictues of what we’ve cut, and what we’ve got to cut, some of this has been cut by hand with just lopers, as it’s too thick for the hedger to go throw.

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Day 1 – Game of Thorns Part 1

Sunday, August 13th, 2017

Day 1. – Game of Thorns Part 1

We’ve started to cut the hedge today, Lindsey & I have been busy pruning, well cutting down our hedge which surrounds the house from about 15 foot to 6 foot. The hedge was not cut last year, and it’s grown by 4-5 feet! It’s been a difficult and tiring job, not only the cutting of the hedge, but disposing of all the hedge cuttings to the local dump.

We did ask for quotations to cut hedge but were too expensive…

So here are the first photos of Day 1 the first couple are from the greenhouse side, and then you can see what has been cut, as the bamboo canes were previously hidden and are 8 foot high.

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