Posts Tagged ‘Bandwidth’

Why is my data allowance disappearing?

Saturday, June 18th, 2011
Data Allowance Pie Chart

Data Allowance Pie Chart

Detailed Usage Report

Detailed Usage Report

I’ve been rather puzzled as to where my data allowance has been disappearing, in the office, in the past two days, according to the new reports from Eclipse Internet, 2GB has disappeared in p2p. Now I’ve been moved to a 50GB monthly limit during peak hours, I trying to understand more, what data is being used.

The interesting thing, is I don’t run any P2P, or so I thought, after looking at the firewalls and  traffic passing through the router, I managed to establish a NAS, has been running a Bit Torrents service for an eternity. It’s been turned off now!

I’ll check in a few days, if any more data allowance is being eaten up!

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Mobile blogging

Friday, January 7th, 2011

Trying something different today, I’m having a day of remote working via an iPad and 3G. To check to see what average data usage allowance I use in a day. So far and it’s only been a few hours checking email and a few websites, I’ve Sent 5.8MB and Received 131MB.

I’m also using an iPad blog applet as well to post this, to reduce data usage.

The Suzuki needed a MOT today, yes it’s been almost three years we’ve had it, so I’m buying time in Morrisons’ cafe waiting for the car. My banger is off the road at present because the starter motor or solenoid is broke.

Mr Apple saving you money!

Mr Apple saving you money!

This is an odd message you cannot update large apps via 3G. I hardly think 20MB is a lot!

Mr Apple is obviously helping you save money!

UPDATE:- My Dad had a moan about the grammer, so I’ve corrected it”

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