Posts Tagged ‘Arduino’

Andy’s gets adventurous with Arduino Prototyping and Embedded Systems and adds a LCD display

Wednesday, May 10th, 2017

So it was naff, hooked up to a computer, so I could read Temperature and Humidity, so my friends at EmbeddedSilicon sent me a LCD readout, I think it’s called a 16×9 something! So now it’s a bit more useful, as a standalone display.

LCD display showing Andysworld!

LCD display showing Andysworld!

LCD display showing Temperature and Humidity

LCD display showing Temperature and Humidity

LCD display showing Temperature and Humidity

LCD display showing Temperature and Humidity

My thanks to the peeps at EmbeddedSilicon for the items. I’m now waiting for a WiFi board!

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Andy’s first steps into Arduino Prototyping and Embedded Systems

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017

So the problem, I need to measure temperature and humidity, and calculate the condensation risk in my attic!

The Solution

An Arduino and a temperature and humidity module, and I can do the rest, and beam it to the Cloud for plotting!

and I just know the place to go to get this stuff –

and here it is:-

Arduino Uno and DHT11 sensor

Arduino Uno and DHT11 sensor

and this is the output from the serial console

Console output - sensors readings

Console output - sensors readings

Andy get’s adventurous and adds a breakout shield (I think that’s what they call it!)

Arduino with a breakout shield

Arduino with a breakout shield

Got to find a WiFi module, then I can beam results to the cloud…

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