Congratulations to Chris and Hannah on the birth of their baby boy. Born at 19.49, weighing 8lb 2oz.
Now how about calling him Andy, after his Uncle!
I’ve been meaning to put this list together for a while, so I’ve “audited” the fish house today, and this is some of the fish which are currently in the fish house.
Bristlenose catfish Ancistrus brown sp. (many breeding pairs)
Albino Bristlenose catfish Ancistrus albino sp. (many breeding pairs)
Gold Bristlenose catfish Ancistrus gold sp.
Corydoras Aenus (breeding group)
Corydoras Aenus Albino form
Corydoras Aenus Green stripe
Corydoras paleatus
Corydoras Loxozonus
Corydoras Sterbai (wild breeding groups)
Corydoras Weiztmani (wild breeding groups)
Polka-dot catfish Synodontis Angelicus (my pet Spotty, he’s now twenty this year, cost me alot 20 years ago, from Blagdon Water Gardens, Plymouth. He’s been with me a while)
Large spot catfish Synodontis Ocellifer (my pet Dotty, also twenty this year! He’s been with me a while also!)
Synodontis Petricola (wild breeding group)
Cuckoo Cat Synodontis Multipunctatus
Giant Whiptail catfish Sturisoma aureum (breeding groups)
Goldspot pleco L001 Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus
Goldy pleco, L014 Scobinancistrus aureatus
Sailfin pleco Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps
Snowball plecos, LDA33 Baryancistrus LDA-33
Bleeding Heart tetra Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma
Buenos Aires tetra Hemigrammus caudovittatus
Cardinal tetra Paracheirodon axelrodi
Congo tetra, Phenacogrammus interruptus
Neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi
Electric Blue Jack Dempseys Rocio octofasciata (Cichlasoma octofasciatum)
Nicaraguen Cichlids Hypsophrys nicaraguensis (Cichlasoma nicaraguense) (breeding groups)
Green Terror Aequidens rivulatus (breeding pair)
Geophagus proximus (breeding pair)
Geophagus sp?
Jack Dempseys Rocio octofasciata (Cichlasoma octofasciatum) (breeding pairs)
Kribensis Pelvicachromis pulcher (breeding pairs)
Quetzel cichlids Vieja synspila (Cichlasoma synspilum) (breeding pair)
Yellow or Tricolour cichlids Cichlasoma salvini (breeding pair)
Cichlids – Lake Tanganyika
Tropheus Moorii Ikola (wild breeding group)
Tropheus Moorii Bemba (wild breeding group)
Tropheus Moorii Kasanga (wild breeding group)
Tropheus Moorii Ilangi (wild breeding group)
Clown Loach Chromobotia macracanthus (Botia macracantha)
Candy Loach Botia striata
My Odballs
Boesemani Rainbowfish, Melanotaenia Boesemani
Black Ghost Knife Fish Apteronotus albifrons
Spotted climbing perch Ctenopoma acutirostre
I’ve just done some quick DIY (5 minutes) in the bathroom and fitted an eaga ShowerSmart, and the good news is they are free of charge to UK householders. I applied for mine so long ago, I forgot about it!
It’s a small metal unit, which restricts the flow of water through your shower head, saving water and energy.
Read and apply for one here at
The eaga ShowerSmart is suitable for use with non-electric mixer showers or bath/shower mixer taps, provided they run off the mains water pressure.
It’s supplied with two washers, good instructions, and a small plastic bag which you use to check if your shower is in-efficient.
On these very hot summer days we are having at present in the UK, I leave the door open to the fish house to circulate the air and reduce the air temperature in the fish house to approximately 26 degrees C.
This morning I noticed a buzzing in the fish house, which sounded like a large bumble bee or hornet had got trapped somewhere in the fish house, but with all the pumps, filters, air stones running it was difficult to track down. I spent some more time this evening, and I’ve found the loud buzzing sound is being caused by a large pond air stone I have in a 200l water butt for water changes. The large water butt also amplifies the bass sound. I’ve reduced the air flow and the buzzing has stopped!