Posts Tagged ‘VMkernel’

Part 45: HOW TO: Create a new Distributed and VMKernel Portgroups on a VMware vSphere Distributed Switch for the vSphere Cluster for use with vCenter Server HA

Saturday, October 19th, 2024

In this video presentation which is part of the Hancock’s VMware Half Hour HOW TO Video Series I will show you HOW TO: Create a new Distributed and VMKernel Portgroups on a VMware vSphere Distributed Switch for the vSphere Cluster for use with vCenter Server HA.

I created a video here, which shows you how to create a vDS for VMware vSphere.

HOW TO: Create a VMware vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) for use with VMware vSphere vSAN for the VMware vSphere vSAN Cluster.

HOW TO: Create, Configure and Deploy VMware vCenter Server High Availability (HA)

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