Posts Tagged ‘pumpkin’

Trying to Grow Giant Pumpkins – 29 July 2019

Monday, July 29th, 2019

This giant pumpkin plant is taking over like a triffid! This spell of rain we’ve had in the past few days, it’s really grown!

It’s started to flower so I’ve been selecting flowers and hand pollinating to get it to fruit.

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Trying to Grow Giant Pumpkins – 26 July 2019

Friday, July 26th, 2019

A few updates as you can see a giant plant!

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Trying to Grow Giant Pumpkins – 28 May 2019

Tuesday, May 28th, 2019

I normally try and grow two pumpkins to carve on Halloween. But this year I’ve challenged myself to see if I can grow a Giant Pumpkin!

The seeds were obtained from a Championship pumpkin in the UK (Douglas Smith – 217kg)

Giant Pumpkin

Giant Pumpkin

It has taken me four weeks to get the giant pumpkin seeds to germinate… and after trying with 7 seeds, I’ve managed to get two to germinate!

After transplanting into compost, (the germination method is a secret!) here are photos of Day 1 and Day 2.

Pumpkin Day 1

Pumpkin Day 1

Pumpkin Day 2

Pumpkin Day 2

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Happy Halloween from andysworld!

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

Let the pumpkin masacre begin…

and as is customary in andysworld!

here are my carved pumpkins for 2009! (keeps those evil spirits away!)




and a Big Happy 60th Birthday to that witch – my Mum!

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The Great Pumpkin Massacre

Wednesday, October 31st, 2007

The Great Pumpkin Massacre is upon us again. Happy Halloween!

As tradition, we’ve got our pumpkins carved and on display again!

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