Lindsey cuts the front lawn…(whilst I cut the hedge)
our little bit for biodiversity for the bumble bees, because the bumble bees swarm over the clover in the front lawn, so it would be a shame to cut it all.
Lindsey cuts the front lawn…(whilst I cut the hedge)
our little bit for biodiversity for the bumble bees, because the bumble bees swarm over the clover in the front lawn, so it would be a shame to cut it all.
For the last couple of days I’ve been cutting the lawn. Whoever said that a lawned garden requires little maintenance. We’ve not been able to cut the lawn completely since the spring because of the Daffodils planted in the lawn, and I’ve read these should not be cut down before 1 June, to allow the bulbs to swell. So the grass has grown rather long in places!
I started cutting the grass yesterday, but had to higher the blade on my electric flymo, to cope with the long grass, and today, I’ve been cutting the grass and lowering the blade to it’s lowest setting to cut the lawn. So I’ve been up and down the lawn six times today at different blade heights. The yellow patches are where the long grass has been, but these will green up shortly with the next rainfall. The lawn measures approx. 70 feet x 35 feet, and it’s quite difficult cutting with an electric flymo, but that will have to do at present, until I decide to get a petrol lawnmower. Who said ‘it’s a lot less bother with a hover’, is welcome to come run to my house for free and cut my lawn with a hover mower.
My trusty bright orange Eletrolux Flymo Compact 380 Hover lawn mower right of picture (I really should move those fish tanks into the fish house!)
The hedge will need a cut next
At the bottom of the garden under the aging Victoria Plum tree, the grass has been deliberately left long for the wild-life.
Yellow patches left by the long grass, because of the daffodils.
deliberately left long for the wild-life!