I was reading a review of the LED Luminaire from CoralLed in the January 2010 issue of Practial Fiskeeping Magazine by Jeremy Gay, he states ‘It’s Good … British Made … built by hand”
Yes, it looks like it, my cat could do a better job with a solering iron, if you look at the poor soldering joints in the photograph attached.
As an electronics engineer, this is very poor, I’m all for British Made products, but there’s no excuse, these connections are poorly made, there are much better ways for terminating connections onto a PCB than this! Price from £600 – £2000! (if they’ve had hidden them from view it would have been better, I would be embarrased of a photo of a product constructed like this!).
Another electronics company stated “we are disgusted by this quality of workmanship, we would be embarassed if we produced a product like this and if we did, we might as well close up shop”.