Archive for the ‘general’ Category

We met Rolf Harris today…

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012


Lindsey and I met Rolf Harris today at the Whitewall Galleries, York – Closed Exibition of his recent work. Rolf draw a Rolfaroo for me, sang us a few songs about a Kiwi and an Emu and kissed Lindsey on the hand!



and I purchased one of his small pieces of art for my collection. ‘Kookaburra at Dusk’ a special edition for the event. The gallery had a photographer, which took our photos with Rolf, if I can get hold of a copy, I’ll upload it here…

It’s been on my wish list to meet Rolf Harris and own his artwork!

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Summer 2012 Over?

Tuesday, September 4th, 2012

Well the Summer is almost over, I think the Swallows have already flown and migrated back to Africa, and the House Martins are waiting to return, as they are still flying above the house.

There are still a few fields and crops of wheat and barley to harvest…

outside our house……





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Andysworld! wishes you a Happy British Summer Time!

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

Andysworld! wishes you a Happy British Summer Time!

“Britain was the first nation to adopt daylight saving schemes in 1908.
Some people believe the pragmatically minded British did it to make economy on candles.”

TASS, Moscow

and originally GMT and BST started and ended at 2.00 AM until the Summer Time Order of 2002 to link UK Summer Time to Europe permanently!

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Happy Leap Year Day 2012

Wednesday, February 29th, 2012

only happens every 4 years, so I thought I would get a blog in today!

Happy Leap Year Day for 2012!

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Happy Pancake Day 2012

Tuesday, February 21st, 2012

A Happy Pancake Day to one and all!

or Happy Shrove Tuesday!

I’ll be having my stack later….

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Andysworld! Advent Calendar – Dec 25 – Merry Christmas

Sunday, December 25th, 2011


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Andysworld! Advent Calendar – Dec 16 – Box of Willies Delectable Cacao for Christmas, Go on you know you want to, it is Christmas!

Friday, December 16th, 2011

I’ve blogged a few times about Willies Delectable Cacao. Because I had completed all my household chores this week, Lindsey bought me a present!

If you fancy some proper Rich Dark Chocolate flavoured with Orange this Christmas, rather than that overseas “stuff” from the EU, “tap it and unrap it ““you know the one that Dawn French advertises!” (we do not mention their name since they left York!).

Try Willies Delectable Cacao Cuban 65, Luscious Orange. Made in Devon, England, Great Britain!

and if you are interested in where the Baracoan Cacao beans are from, here’s some pictures taken in Baracoa, Cuba, when we visited. (and also spotted the worlds smallest frog!) – it wasn’t a chocolate frog!

Hiya Willie!

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Andysworld! Advent Calendar – Dec 15 – Times are hard, time to cash in the coppers!

Thursday, December 15th, 2011

I do not know how long I’ve been collecting one and two pence (1p and 2p) copper coins, I’ve just been throwing them in a terroctoa urn, until I broke it! Times are hard, and Christmas is coming….

…. so time to cash them in.


This plastic bag weights 10kg, contains approx 1000 2 pence coins, and 1255 1 pence coins!

‘Look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves’

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The Devil’s Arrows

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011

For almost two years, I drove past these every week, but never had the chance until now, to get up close and personal with these pre-historic monoliths called the Devils Arrows!

Away from the office and computer yesterday to get some fresh air, and pass the time whilst the car was in for a MOT and service, (okay I did have my iPad and 3G wired into the Net!), I thought I would go for a wonder in the turnip field to visit these giant monoliths, considering the night before was Halloween, I did not notice any cult activity!

I think I’ve also sprained my left ankle, too much walking yesterday, some would say that’s because your too fat!, or just sit on your bum at a desk all day! (I thought I would get that in…..)

Anyway here are the photos….

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Happy Screme Egg Day!

Monday, October 31st, 2011
Cadbury Screme Egg wrapper!

Cadbury Screme Egg wrapper!

Andy ate it!

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween Folks, Carved your Pumpkins or Jack-O-Laterns yet!

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