About Me

if you didn’t know, many articles and videos I’ve written for EE are indexed here!


Today (6th May 2022) I became No,1 at Experts Exchange on the Leaderboard,after 10+ years and overtook Guy Hengel [angelIII / a3] (angelIII) with 40,981,978, I now have 40,983,813 which makes me the leader overall. As we know it’s not all about points, and my Thanks to Randy Redbery for the Experts Exchange platform, Kasey Hart and |Rob Jurd – Community, and YOU! You ask the Questions, and us Experts Answer them. So a BIG THANKS to Experts Exchange members for being here. The No.1 Technology Community on the Interweb, Thanks Andy

vExpert 2022, and vExpert Pro – and now 40 Awards at EE, latest being Expert of the Year 2021.

More videos to come!

(profile updated 1 May 2021) – I am ELITE! – Point History Modifications!

Busy with VMware implementations, troubleshooting and management.

vExpert 2021, and now a vExpert Pro – so contact me if you want to become a vExpert.

11 Years a vExpert, not many can say that!

If you want to engage with Cyrus, then scroll down!!! Contact us directly, if you want to engage with Cyrus. (& Me!)

General Enquiries – enquiry@cyrus-consultants.co.uk
Support Requests to the Service Desk – support@cyrus-consultants.co.uk

So some quick milestones….

20th Feb 2017 – Ranked Elite – VMware Topic – the only EE member Ranked Elite, and the second Elite EE Member!

2017 – Expert of the Year 2016 (again), so that’s six years in a row I’ve now been Expert of the Year at Experts Exchange, just Answering my passion for VMware & Virtualization (Questions!).

Author of the Year – 2016, Scribe 2016. I’ve now published approximately 100 articles at Experts Exchange, probably more Articles than any other Expert, of course on VMware/Virtualization.

Currently awarded VMware vExpert 2017, and now another MVE from Experts Exchange….so that’s 2xMVE I now have from Experts Exchange.

WHAT NEXT – I hear you ask……..

I’ve gone back to a book I started to write, you guessed it on VMware vSphere!

oh, and I also won Amazon Echo from Experts Exchange, for Most Endorsed Article, have a read of it here


Visit these EE threads for all the excellent comments written about Experts


https://www.experts-exchange.com/discussions/2387/Thread-for-Testimonials.html (old thread!)

Contact us directly, if you want to engage with Cyrus. (& Me!)

General Enquiries – enquiry@cyrus-consultants.co.uk

Support Requests to the Service Desk – support@cyrus-consultants.co.uk

if we’ve answered your question, and you want to say thank you, my Amazon Wish list is here


You may wonder, why we do not appear in EE Gigs and Live



It is with regret we will not be taking part in EE Gigs and Live, we have been advised by “our people” that the current Terms and Conditions are too restrictive and not compatible with our business model.

EE, have now responded and will be changing these as of 1st March see here


This does not change our position, one of the issues are UK Tax rules, IR35 “working through a service company.”

If you wish to engage with us, please contact us through LinkedIn or visit our website

About Cyrus


support <at> cyrus <dash> consultants <dot> co <dot> uk

We look forward to hearing from you.


Andrew Hancock

(profile updated 14th January 2016) Happy New Year, and a Prosperous VMware one!

Added, 24,000,000 points reached

Well at the end of 2015, I’m Expert of the Year, The Detective, and The Scribe

2015 Expert of the Year
2015 The Detective
2015 The Scribe


That makes me Expert of the Year 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015, five years in a row – I think that’s an Expert Exchange record, no other Expert has been Expert of the Year five years in a row!

Yes, I’m blowing my own trumpet, it’s my Profile…. and as commented by others:-

Andrew Hancock is the MAN!


and I would have to agree, five years in a row, not bad!

Decided to trash the machine and spin up a new one based on advise from “the” VMWare expert. Thanks Andy.


(profile update 19th November 2015) – Added Date for 23,500,000. Also note, my new Top Contributor 2014 was added to profile, as there was an EE cock-up with Expert of the Year 2014! So a new “special” Award was Invented, as I’m very special!

Lots more VMware Articles written, on vSphere 6.0, upgrading to, from ESXi 5.1, 5.5, installing vCenter 5.5, 6.0, VCSA 5.5 and 6.0, Update Manager, Adding Hosts to vCentre check them out…

Some Comments…from Members:-

Grading Comment:
Great answers by Experts. Very straight forward and perfect.

Much appreciated.

I have decided to run this lab system on Intel GPU without any dedicated graphics card,

Many many Thanks


In Need of VMware ESXi 5.1 Data Recovery Help.

Awesome. I will try this. This was my last shot. I did not know where else to turn to. Wow!!!! I can now sleep at night. I am so grateful for your time. I will report back as soon as I am done. Thanks.
– davidkaneperez

I have been working on this for close to a 1.5 weeks. I am so amazed that someone would take time to help me on this project. I am again so grateful to have found help on this site. Thanks a bunch.
– – davidkaneperez

Snapshots My Favourite!!!!


You can read more here:-


Top Contributor Award: Andrew Hancock and The Scribe 2014,
or as I like to call it MEGA Expert of the Year 2014!,

but there will ONLY be ONE, Top Contributor Award, awarded, because this year 2015, Expert of the Year will now include points from articles, projects and videos, as it was meant originally!

So, I’m very special!!!!


IT Pro New Year’s Honours List 2015

Every year, the IT Pro team are very lucky that we get to partner with a wider virtual IT Pro Team that regularly contribute to our activities. These individuals can be found not working for Microsoft but in our partner community, our MVPs and even our customers. These ladies and gentlemen take time out of their busy schedules to contribute through blog articles, providing insight and joining us on the road. As a team we wanted to recognise their contributions in the form of the IT Pro New Year’s Honours List.

Early in December we met to discuss nominations, and established a long-list of individuals who have been valuable partners this year. After much deliberation, this list was trimmed to the top 25 individuals you see below. Read on to find out a little more about the Top 10 Honourees, and the 15 superstars who recieve a well-deserved honourable mention. Of course, there are many others that didn’t make the list this year, but we remain truely thankful for their contributions.

This year’s IT Pro New Year’s Honours List:

My Company is here….

About Cyrus

Here is my EE Story….

Expert Spotlight: Andy Hancock

Comments other EE members have made…

Hi Hancock.

I have an open question and would love your input.

I will already be naming my first son ‘Hancock’ from your help to date, but will also campaign for ‘Hancock Day’ to be recognised if you can assist with this one.


You need to change your name to vm guru! That worked, but I wonder why the other servers with the E1000 did not break.


Virtualization destination P2V

Comment :-

Grading Comment:
Cant say enough good things about this expert. With my inexperience in the P2V process, he was there every step of the way and to our end users, come Monday morning, they had no idea that anything had changed. A total result as far as I am concerned and I have no hesitation in recommending this expert and EE as the place to go for technology learning and solutions

MAC address of VMware host, at console

Grading Comment
Thanks, Andrew. When it comes to VMware, you are the man!

Boot File System UUID vs Bios UUID

Author Comment
I am amazed at your in-depth knowledge of VMware, you should work for them!!!

COnfiguring Vmware Networking for a server with 4 network ports (Dell R710)

Author Comment
Wow, thanks for the info.

Virtualisation project sanity check

Author Comment
No further validation needed if it gets your stamp of approval Mr H!

Looking to be rid of the Windows Server 2003 servers within the next six months if all goes according to plan

Thanks for the additional tips, exactly what I was after

Netapp + ESXi = Questions

Author Comment
Andrew is the man.

VMware Stand-Alone Converter

Author Comments


LOVE the article. Thanks for all of your help and immediate responses. Hope you have a great day Sir.

Outstanding information and very helpful.

Invited to Join the Microsoft Technical Community Council – May 2014

A few quotes….

VDP Snapshots left after powering down VDP

Brian – Author Closing Comment

“Thanks again you were a life saver.”

Consolidating VMWare Snapshots Not Attached To VMDK

Author Closing Comment
Andrew nailed this out of the park and frankly I wouldn’t have been able to do this without his help. He saved my butt!

I’ve just been nominated as VMware vExpert 2014.

(away Feb-April 2014 – in Central America!!!)

Yes, I’m Expert of the Year 2013 – Again for the Third Year in a row!

2013 Expert of the Year
2013 Juggernaut
2013 The Ally
2013 The Scribe
2013 Author of the Year

The 10th Annual Expert Awards of 2013

and an Early Christmas present, nominated a MVE!



Most Valuable Expert Awards

The Experts Exchange Most Valuable Expert (MVE) Award recognizes Experts for outstanding community contributions. While an MVE might have a stack of points and certifications, they’re more likely to be acknowledged by fellow experts who see their work and from grateful users who have been helped out of a jam.

MVEs are very much the heroes of Experts Exchange who quietly achieve greatness. They strive to solve people’s technology problems, improve others appreciation of technology and make a real difference in the overall experience for those seeking help. They do so with a professionalism and commitment that makes them stand out in the community.


“(thanks to EE legend hanccocka)”


“How do I assign you like 5million points?!

Worked like magic…..magic. Thank you again:) ”


“The man. The crown jewel of EE. An immovable pillar of patience. These are just a few of the names that Experts Exchange community members have bestowed upon Andrew Hancock (known on the site as hanccocka). While Andrew joined …..

A recent article written here in the Experts Exchange Company Blog

EE’s Top Expert Pens Series of VMware for Beginners Articles


(profile update 17 November 2013) – Updated Points Timeline

“(thanks to EE legend hanccocka)”


“The man. The crown jewel of EE. An immovable pillar of patience. These are just a few of the names that Experts Exchange community members have bestowed upon Andrew Hancock (known on the site as hanccocka). While Andrew joined …..

A recent article written here in the Experts Exchange Company Blog

EE’s Top Expert Pens Series of VMware for Beginners Articles

“You are the crown jewel of EE!” – Akulsh – 16 July 2013

19 July 2013
Comment made by TheMagnificentSpoon (http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_6577248.html)

for this Article
HOW TO: Improve the transfer rate of a Physical to Virtual (P2V), Virtual to Virtual Conversion (V2V) using VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0

Just tackling a P2V on a severely underspecced SBS2003 Physical machine, to a new Dell ESXi5.1 host.

At first, it claimed it was going to take 1 day, 4 hours. After making the changes in this article, it then claimed it would take 2 hours, 6 minutes.

I’ve used some of the 26 hours you’ve saved me on registering here to thank you for writing this article.  It has all the info anybody needs, written in an easy to follow, concise way.


16 July 2013

EE Member  Akulsh  – (http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_6143702.html)

Closing Comment

Hanccocka, thanks for your links. You are  the crown jewel of EE!

(away March-April 2013 – in Ethiopia & Kenya!)

Yes, I’m Expert of the Year 2012 – Again for the Second Year!

2012 Expert of the Year
2012 Juggernaut
2012 Titan
2012 The Ally
2012 The Scribe
2012 Author of the Year

9th Annual Expert Awards 2012

Expert of the Year 2012 (1st Position) – 5,369,940 Points
Juggernaut (1st Position) – 3,624 answers
The Ally (1st Position) – 892,796 assist points
Titan – (1st Position) – VMware 58.60%
Titan – (4th Position) – Virtualization  46.00%
The Scribe  – (1st Position) – 404,962 points
Author of the Year

VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Virtualisation  – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)

Looks like EE have introduced two new Ranks

Prodigy (5,000,000 pts) and Ace (2,500,000 pts)  of which I’m both!

– Why DO I do EE, read on…..

6th June 2012, received an email from EE –

“Welcome to the 5 Million Point Club.

You’ve done it: you’ve earned enough points to become one of the founding members of our Five-Million Point Club. You’re among an elite group of experts who will have a membership to Experts Exchange for life.

Thank you for your generous contributions! Here’s to many more productive, exciting years solving technology problems together.”

I think there our initially 85 of us!

I’ve been awarded VMware vEXPERT status as of 15 April 2012 by VMware.  Thanks to the many EE members that nominated me.

(The HIRE ME! Button has now gone in EEv10, so please contact through LinkedIn, Company Website or email address below.)

email from LinkedIn…..

“Hi Andrew,

My initial aim was to just send you a quick note, and no its not for help. We have never met, talked or helped each other. I have seen many of your answers/help especially on ee. Hopefully as a peer I just wanted to say well done, you are inspiration to many.

Best Regards

This was a quote from EE Member sirius7 (http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_5999994.html), who had a little issue with an Exchange Server which was down, because of evil snapshots, and lack of datastore space!

Once the issues was fixed…

“Dude when you finally get your pic of you wearing cape + mask I want my Xlarge pre-ordered. If this sounds like a small case of hero worship is it because I’m on 1 knee? Thank you again?”

another Snapshot issue, where I worked with a EE member all day, comments from ID10Tz (http://www.experts-exchange.com/Software/VMWare/Q_27752352.html), VMware Server 2.0 snapshot had failed, critical finance server down, product no longer supported, NO support available from VMware.

Comments from Question

been reading your articles and how-to’s and its more informative than what Ive been getting from sourcespring (education division from VMware). And in fact this is a horrible work experience were going thru but the learning experience is the best I could have asked for. Kinda of boot camp…

very awesome. Start teaching bro.

Grading Comment:
What VMware could not, hanccocka could!

Comment from one of my Articles:-

HOW TO: “Live Migrate” VMware Virtual Machines between ESX/ESXi hosts and/or datastores for FREE without licenses for vMotion or Storage vMotion


You answered one of my very first questions on EE, (http://www.experts-exchange.com/Software/VMWare/Q_27319757.html) which along with others has inspired me to start answering questions that are posted and offering advice where I can.

This article, along with your prolific advice and input into the site is so helpful to IT professionals, whether just starting out or established but needing a helping hand on a new problem, and I look forward to reading new articles and posts from you – the fact that you so freely share your expertise is greatly appreciated!



A bio about me on Experts Exchange Company Blog – http://ow.ly/fPbXc

Experts Exchange Expert of the Year 2011.

I was awarded VMware vEXPERT status as of 1 July 2011 by VMware.  Thanks to the many EE members that nominated me.

I have 15 years of experience working as a Technical Architect and VMware Consultant in the Virtualization industry. I’ve been working with all VMware products since ’98, virtualization vendors to offer server, desktop, storage virtualization. I also have a broad range of skills from Windows, Linux, Unix, Operating System, Active Directory and Messaging Solutions.

My LinkedIn Profile is here – http://uk.linkedin.com/in/andrewhancock

I work with a group of knowledge based consultants at Cyrus Computer Consultants Ltd, we have consultants available in Virtualisation, Storage, Networking, Servers. Cyrus can offer implementations using Microsoft Solutions, VMware Solutions and Citrix Solutions. We don’t just implement the products we are also administrators and use the products in our offices on a day-to-day basis. Cyrus is fortunate in it has all the IT skills required to deliver projects using in-house consultants and engineers, Cyrus has all the IT disciplines to complete your solution, and to ensure your solution is delivered on-time.


Established over 13+ years. IT Consultants, 2X, Cisco, Citrix, Emulex, HP, Qlogic, NetApp, Microsoft, Veeam, Vizioncore and VMware Partners based on the Yorkshire Wolds, United Kingdom.

We help companies and organisations across Europe and the United Kingdom achieve their business objectives by developing effective technical solutions.  These solutions can include server consolidation, server based computing, application and storage virtulisation, website design and development, CMS-driven solutions, ecommerce sites, extranets, intranets, web applications, digital marketing, hosting and ongoing support.

support <at> cyrus <dash> consultants <dot> co <dot> uk

Follow me on twitter @einsteinagogo

Skill / Accomplishments

Experts Exchange Expert of the Year 2012
VMware vEXPERT 2013
VMware vEXPERT 2012
VMware vEXPERT 2011
Experts Exchange Expert of the Year 2011

Microsoft Windows 2012 – “Early Experts – ”Cloud” ”
Microsoft Windows 2012 – “Early Experts – ”Virtualizer” ”
Microsoft Windows 2012 – “Early Experts – ”Networker” ”
Microsoft Windows 2012 – “Early Experts – “Explorer” ”
Microsoft Windows 2012 – “Early Experts – “Installer” ”
Microsoft Windows 2012 – “Early Experts – “Apprentice” ”

Windows Server 2012: Server Virtualization

VMware Sales Professional (VSP 5)
VMware Technical Sales Profressional (VTSP 5)
VMware Sales Professional (VSP 4)
VMware Technical Sales Profressional (VTSP 4)
VMware Sales Professional (VSP 3) : Business Continuity.
VMware Technical Sales Professional (VTSP 3) : Desktop Solutions.
VMware Technical Sales Professional (VTSP 3) : Ace Essentials and Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Essentials.
VMware Technical Sales Professional (VTSP 3) : VSLA Management – Workstation and Lab Manager.
Veeam Backup & Replication VMSP
Veeam Backup & Replication VMTSP
Microsoft Partner Network Sales and Services Assessment for Mircrosoft Online Services (BPOS, Office 365, Cloud Power)
2Xpert Certified, ITIL Foundation Certificate, CRB checked.

Checkout my new EE Articles, these articles were written to address common questions on EE, I’ll be adding some more VMware related articles in the future check back often.

HOW TO: Upgrade from VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 5.1 to VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 5.5 for FREE

HOW TO: Backup (Export) and Restore (Import) virtual machines to VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 for FREE

HOW TO: Install VMware Tools for Linux on a VMware Linux virtual machine on a VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1) Host Server

HOW TO:  P2V, V2V for FREE – VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.5

HOW TO: Migrate a Windows Server 2008 R2 Hyper-V Virtual Machine (VM) to a Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V host server[

HOW TO: Install VMware Tools for Windows on a VMware Windows virtual machine on a VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1) Host Server

HOW TO: Create your first Windows Virtual Machine on a VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1) Host Server

HOW TO: Create your first Linux Virtual Machine on a VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1) Host Server

HOW TO: Enable SSH Remote Access on a VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1)

HOW TO: Upload an ISO CD-ROM/DVD-ROM image to a VMware datastore for use with VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1) using the vSphere Client, and checking its MD5 checksum signature is correct.

HOW TO: Enable SSH Remote Access on a VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1)

HOW TO: Create an ISO CD-ROM/DVD-ROM image (*.iso), and MD5 checksum signature, for use with VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1)

HOW TO:  Add a Dell EqualLogic PS Series Array (SAN) to System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 SP1 as a SMP Provider

HOW TO:  Synchronize changes when completing a P2V or V2V with VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.1

HOW TO:  P2V, V2V for FREE – VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.1

HOW TO: Connect to the VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1) using the vSphere Client

HOW TO: Install and Configure VMware vSphere Hypervisor 5.1 (ESXi 5.1)

HOW TO: Configure Host Cache Configuration for your VMware vSphere 5.0 or 5.1 ESXi (5.0 or 5.1) Host Server

HOW TO: Tag and Configure a storage device as a Solid State Disk (SSD) in VMware vSphere 5.0 or 5.1  (ESXi 5.0 or ESXi 5.1)

HOW TO: “Live Migrate” VMware Virtual Machines between ESX/ESXi hosts and/or datastores for FREE without licenses for vMotion or Storage vMotion

HOW TO: Create a  Bootable USB Flash Drive of Microsoft Windows Server 2012

HOW TO: Use Dell OpenManage Server Administrator to Create and Manage a Virtual Disk (RAID Array) on a Dell PowerEdge Server with VMware vSphere 5.0, ESXi 5.0 installed.

HOW TO: Suppress Configuration Issues and Warnings Alerts after enabling vSphere HA in a VMware vSphere Cluster with only a single datastore

HOW TO: VMware Snapshots :- Be Patient

HOW TO:  Performance Monitor vSphere 4.x or 5.0


HOW TO:  Resize a VMware (VMDK) Virtual Disk

HOW TO:  P2V, V2V for FREE – VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0

HOW TO: Add and Connect a USB Device to a Virtual Machine, hosted on VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESX 4.1 ESXi 4.1, ESXi 5.0

HOW TO: Clone or Copy a virtual machine in VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESX/ESXi 4.x or ESXi 5.0

HOW TO: Tutorial Video – Install VMware Tools for Linux on a VMware Linux virtual machine

HOW TO: Add an iSCSI Software Adaptor and Create an iSCSI Multipath Network in VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 5.0

HOW TO: Add an iSCSI Software Adaptor and Create an iSCSI Multipath Network in VMware vSphere Hypervisor ESXi 4.1

HOW TO: Add Local Storage (e.g. a SATA disk) as a Raw Disk Mapping (RDM) or Mapped RAW LUN to a virtual machine hosted on ESXi

HOW TO: Suppress Configuration Issues and Warnings Alerts after enabling vSphere HA in a VMware vSphere Cluster

HOW TO: Suppress Configuration Issues and Warnings Alert displayed in Summary status for ESXi 4.1 U2 or ESXi 5.0 after enabling SSH or ESXi Shell

HOW TO: Enable Jumbo Frames on a VMware vSphere Hypervisor (ESXi 5.0) host server using the VMware vSphere Client

HOW TO: Improve the transfer rate of a Physical to Virtual (P2V), Virtual to Virtual
Conversion (V2V) using VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0

How to Backup an ESXi installation on an USB Flash Drive or SD card, for security or redundancy.

VMware ESX/ESXi Backup Guide

I’ve recently completed some new Video Blogs, because VMware Admins always seem to have issues with NFS, iSCSI, VMware vCenter Converter Standalone, Boot disks, all here FREE!

How to create a Windows Server 2003 virtual floppy boot disk using VMware vSphere

Video Tutorial – Bare Metal Recovery of Microsoft Small Business Server 2011: Part 2 How to Restore Microsoft Small Business Server 2011

Video Tutorial –  Bare Metal Recovery of Microsoft Small Business Server 2011: Part 1 How to Backup Microsoft Small Business Server 2011

Video Tutorial – Restore a Virtual Machine using the FREE VMware vCenter Converter to VMware vSphere 4.x, 5.0 ESXi 4.x, ESXi 5.0, ESX 4.0

Video Tutorial –  Backup VMware vSphere 4.x, 5.0 ESXi 4.x, ESXi 5.0, ESX 4.0 for FREE using VMware vCenter Converter

Video Tutorial – VMware vCenter Converter Standalone 5.0 Convert monolithic sparse to monolithic flat for use with VMware vSphere 4.x 5.0 ESXi 4.x 5.0

Video Tutorial – How to install Cisco Unified Communications Manager 7.0 on VMware Workstation

Video – VMware vSphere 4.x (ESXi) does work when you remove the USB stick!

Video – Poor Microsoft SQL Performance caused by Virtualisation – Not all servers are equal!

Video Tutorial – Adding iSCSI storage to a VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi 4.x host server

Video Tutorial – Eazy Peezy Lemon Squeezy iSCSI Storage by StarWind iSCSI SAN Software

Video Tutorial – Creating an NFS Datastore using Windows 2008 R2 for VMware vSphere ESX/ESX 4.x

Video Tutorial – Adding an NFS Datastore to a VMware vSphere ESX/ESXi 4.x host server

EE Ranks Timeline

(I’ve heard rumours that the quarterly awards had been deprecated), so these are un-official) – UPDATE Quarterly Awards have GONE. So I was the last Q4….in 2011.

EE has put them back, no badges yet, but in the last few days, we have 2012 Frontrunners for Q1, Q2 and Q3

Front Runners of 2012


Q3 2012 Expert of the Quarter – (1st Position)
Q3 2012 Juggernaut – (1st Position)
Q3 2012 The Ally – (1st Position)
Q3 2012 Author of the Quarter (1st Position)
Q3 2012 Titan – (VMware – 1st Position and Virtualisation – 5th Position)

Q3 VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Q3 Virtualisation – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Q3 Hard Drives & Storage (Most Points, Most Answered)


Q2 2012 Expert of the Quarter – (1st Position)
Q2 2012 Juggernaut – (1st Position)
Q2 2012 The Ally – (1st Position)
Q2 2012 Author of the Quarter (1st Position)
Q2 2012 Titan – (VMware – 1st Position and Virtualisation – 5th Position)

Q2 VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Q2 Virtualisation – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Q2 Hard Drives & Storage (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)


Q1 2012 Expert of the Quarter – (1st Position)
Q1 2012 Juggernaut – (1st Position)
Q1 2012 The Ally – (1st Position)
Q1 2012 Author of the Quarter (1st Position)
Q1 2012 Titan – (VMware – 2nd and Virtualisation – 6th Position)

Q1 VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Q1 Virtualisation – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Q1 Hard Drives & Storage (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)

Un-official 1st Quarter Top Experts of 2012

VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Virtualisation – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)

Q1 2012 Expert of the Quarter – (1st Position)
Q1 2012 Juggernaut – (1st Position)
Q1 2012 The Ally – (1st Position)

8th Annual Expert Awards 2012

Expert of the Year (1st Position) – 4,688,803 Points
Juggernaut (1st Position) – 3,277 answers
The Ally (1st Position) – 835,014 assist points
Titan – VMware 44.86% (4th Position)

VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Virtualisation  – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)

4th Quarter Top Experts of 2011

VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)
Operating System Miscellaneous – (Most Points)

Q4 2011 Expert of the Quarter – (1st Position)
Q4 2011 Juggernaut – (1st Position)
Q4 2011 The Ally – (1st Position)
Q4 2011 Philanthropist – (3rd Position)
Q4 2011 Titan – VMware 60.32% (4th Position)
Q4 2011 Titan –  Virtualization 45.01% (9th Position)

3rd Quarter Top Experts of 2011

VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)

Q3 2011 Expert of the Quarter – (2nd Position)
Q2 2011 Juggernaut – (2nd Position)
Q2 2011 The Ally – (2nd Position)
Q2 2011 Philanthropist – (2nd Position)

2nd Quarter Top Experts of 2011

VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)

Q2 2011 Expert of the Quarter – (1st Position)
Q2 2011 Juggernaut – (1st Position)
Q2 2011 The Ally – (1st Position)
Q2 2011 Philanthropist – (3rd Position)

1st Quarter Top Experts of 2011

VMware – (Most Points, Most Answered, Most Assist Points)

Q1 2011 The Ally – (2nd Position)
Q1 2011 Philanthropist – (3rd Position)
Q1 2011 Expert of the Quarter – (6th Position)
Q1 2011 Juggernaut – (7th Position)

VMware & Virtualization  Zone Advisor – 21 July 2012

14,500,000 points – 16 November 2013
14,038,104 points – 19 October 2013
13,000,000 points – 28 July 2013
12,500,000 points – 10 June 2013
11,000,000 points – 26 January 2013
10,000,000 points – SAVANT – 25 November 2012
9,500,743 points – 17 October 2012
9,001,136 points – 15 September 2012
8,830,449 points – 3 September 2012
8,500,000 points – 10 August 2012
8,000,000 points – 27 June 2012
7,800,000 points – 12 June 2012
7,000,000 points – 19 April 2012
6,500,000 points –  26 March 2012
6,000,000 points – 4 March 2012
5,934,539 points – 29 February 2012
5,000,355 points – 9 January 2012
4,849,217 points – 1 January 2012
4,500,000 points – 5 December 2011
4,000,000 points – 14 October 2011
3,500,000 points – 24 September 2011
3,000,000 points – 5 August 2011
2,000,000 points – 8 June 2011
1,000,000 points – GENIUS – 31 March 2011


SAVANT: 1 May 2013 ?
PRODIGY: 13 December 2012 (The 1st VMware PRODIGY!)
GENIUS: 13 May 2011 (The 4th VMware GENIUS!)
SAGE: 18 February 2011
WIZARD: 23 January 2011
GURU:    8 January 2011
MASTER:  8 December 2010


ACE: 13 December 2012 (The 1st Virtualisation ACE!)
GENIUS: 27 September 2011  (The 1st Virtualisation GENIUS!)
SAGE: 24 April 2011 (The 1st Virtualisation SAGE!)
WIZARD: 7 April 2011
GURU:    30 January 2011
MASTER: 9 January 2011

Microsoft Virtual Server

SAGE: 5 March 2013
WIZARD: 9 March 2012
GURU: 29 September 2011
MASTER: 2 May 2011

Windows Server 2008

GENIUS: 17 August 2012
SAGE: 9 October 2011
WIZARD: 29 June 2011
GURU: 6 April 2011
MASTER: 20 January 2011

Windows 2003 Server

SAGE: 7 April 2013
WIZARD: 29 February 2012
GURU: 26 July 2011
MASTER: 16 February 2011

Hard Drives & Storage

GENIUS: 20 June 2013
SAGE: 24 March 2012
WIZARD: 27 October 2011
GURU: 15 May 2011
MASTER: 23 January 2011

Computer Servers

GENIUS: 24 September 2013
SAGE: 17 March 2012
WIZARD: 21 September 2011
GURU: 6 May 2011
MASTER: 31 January 2011

Backup & Restore Software

SAGE: 2 January 2013
WIZARD: 14 April 2012
GURU: 2 July 2011
MASTER: 1 April 2011

Exchange Email Server

WIZARD: 25 June 2013
GURU: 14 November 2011
MASTER: 25 April 2011

Disaster Recovery

WIZARD: 6 June 2013
GURU: 8 November 2011
MASTER: 16 May 2011

Miscellaneous Networking

GURU: 24 May 2012
MASTER: 20 May 2011

Windows 7

GURU: 26 April 2012
MASTER: 13 June 2011

Microsoft Operating Systems

GURU: 26 March 2012
MASTER: 10 July 2011


GURU: 20 April 2012
MASTER: 10 August 2011
WIZARD: 2 December 2012

Windows XP Operating System

MASTER: 12 August 2011

SBS Small Business Server

GURU: 22 March 2013
MASTER: 13 September 2011

Active Directory

GURU: 1 July 2013
MASTER: 20 September 2011

Miscellaneous Hardware

MASTER: 27 October 2011


GURU: 1 July 2013
MASTER: 10 November 2011

Network Design & Methodology

MASTER: 23 November 2011

IT Administration

MASTER – 13 December 2011

Web/Cloud Computing

MASTER: 20 January 2012

SQL Server 2008

MASTER : 30 January 2012

Network Switches and Hubs

MASTER : 14 February 2012

Microsoft Server

GURU: 1 February 2013
MASTER: 19 March 2012

Linux Network

MASTER: 2 May 2012

Network Operations

MASTER: 10 May 2012

Operating Systems Miscellaneous

MASTER: 17 July 2012

Networking Hardware

MASTER: 1 September 2012

Network Management

MASTER: 13 September 2012

Computer Hard Drives

MASTER: 07 November 2012

UNIX Operating Systems

MASTER: 12 November 2012

Windows Networking

MASTER: 2 December 2012

Network Routers

MASTER – 6 December 2012


MASTER: 9 February 2013

Windows OS

MASTER: 25 March 2013

Mac OS X

MASTER: 10 August 2013

MS Applications

MASTER: 12 October 2013

Windows Server 2012

GURU: 21 Ocrtober 2013
MASTER: 22 April 2013


from @Frosty555 (http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_4143041.html)

hanccocka, you are an immovable pillar of patience 😉

from @mikesiegel (http://www.experts-exchange.com/M_6300974.html)

yes he is…and i love him for it…us novices really appreciate it


EE Grading Comments

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Excellent Explanation of installing oracle on Virtual MAchine.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
hanccocka worked with me all day on this and we were able to get Windows to see the SCSI card and Tape Drive.  It was stressful for a minute but we got over it and were successful getting things going again.  Thanks for your hard work.  Certainly couldn’t have done it without his help!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
S I M P L Y T H E B E S T  !!!!!!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Excellent detail

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Great help from hanccocka. Patience was needed and he reaffirmed this for me.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Excellent as always!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Hanccoka..you seriously know too much

Grade A:


Comments from Question

been reading your articles and how-to’s and its more informative than what Ive been getting from sourcespring (education division from VMware). And in fact this is a horrible work experience were going thru but the learning experience is the best I could have asked for. Kinda of boot camp…

very awesome. Start teaching bro.

Grading Comment:
What VMware could not, hanccocka could!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Many thanks to you!
Appreciate your help always.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Thanks for all answers, very informative and learned a lot!
ESXi 5 was successfully installed.

Grade A:


Grading Comment

Now that I merged the correct files
I booted the vm to measure the success of image recovery = 100%
Line by line combed thru config file noting files set to false or not mentioned
Then moved those files creating 25GB.
While logged into vm as local administrator ran converter

Now the vm is running in the vcenter with vmotion and redundancy policies.

Dude when you finally get your pic of you wearing cape + mask I want my Xlarge pre-ordered. If this sounds like a small case of hero worship is it because I’m on 1 knee? Thank you again?

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Thank you; I feel so small, yet so happy!  Now onto the bigger issues.  Probably not until this weekend.  Thank you honestly for your patience.  Best personal regards…

Grade A:


Comment in Post
Thanks Hanccocka, and i would like to say a big thank you to the anwers that you have provided me over the past few weeks much appreciated.

Grade A: (My First 10!)


Grading Comment:
Outstanding and extremely quick responses; could not be happier!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Thanks again Hanccocka, it works like a charm.

Grade A


Grading Comment:
Thanks for your help!  Always a good experience.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Thanks. Although I didn’t set up the VLANs, I learned a lot about them and how to configure them. I am certain someone will find the commands useful.

Thanks hanccocka!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
thanks, you came thru again!!! I downloaded the gparted iso you talked about, but could not find a DVD to burn it on. I thought a bit then just want back into the HP system bios and deleted and rebuilt the RAID 5 array that would not load. IT IS WORKING NOW. I now have 600 GB worth of space to build my home network, so I am sure I will be back with more questions..bye for now

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Hanccocka is a real expert in explaining technical issues.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Done, thanks a lot man. You just taught me about this built in firewall

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Hello Hanccocka

You have saved me hrs. of trouble shooting once again.

I don’t know why I would ever think to use HP software on HP hardware and expect it to work. 🙂

Thank you very much…

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
I have not received the server i purchased yet, but i am confident that hanccocka has provided me with more than enough information to help me begin my project. hanccocka has been quick to answer and extremely helpful regarding this little dilemma i was having.

I could not have done this without hanccocka’s help, i would recommend his assistance and service to anyone who seeks an accurate answer in a very respectable response time.



Grade A:


Grading Comment:
As usual, exactly what I asked for.

Straight forward and concise answers without all the roses!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Very useful and a good recovery policy

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
not sure if anyone has done this kind of video with resolution before but certain the first one I’ve since here in EE….i take my hat off you mate…well done.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Couldn’t have asked for better assistance. Thanks again!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Thank you so much for your help. I wish i could change the points to 500. Thanks again for the video guides very helpful.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
That is a freaking great solution and I can use it with my application!  Just what I needed.  Thanks So Much!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Thanks for pointing out a simple solution to this problem.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
As I am coming to expect, excellent advice from hanccocka.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Nice one hanccocka, nice easy solution, just the way I like them.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
THE MAN. Period

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
a true genius

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
The best type of solution (such as the one presented) is where you go ‘Oh!  That was obvious.’ after you read it.  But it never is at the time.  Thanks!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Very helpful and to the point. Took the time to read through my initial question and my responses and gave me the absolute right answer.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
I don’t think i can find a better explanation and example from what you gave me 🙂

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
thanks again hanccocka, always great directions and info.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
you saved my butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thank you thank you thank you

wish i could give more than 500 pts

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Awesome. Thank-you for your detailed knowledge and support.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Much credit/thanks to hanccocka for his continued and especially FAST help 🙂

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Great member, very helpful and able to communicate well. I thought his solution was well explained and also educational.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
MAAAAAAN, you’re good.

It is a shame that I can not grade you higher than “A”.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Super!  Thank you for your very prompt and thorough answer.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
This guy gave me the EXACT answers I needed.. He is the man!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Cheers Hancocka for your out of hours help, you deserve all the points and more!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Thank you for all of you help in solving the problem.  Your expanations were great!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
First of all you’re the man.
Second of all – it’s amazing; via the GUI (web manage of the 5424) all is working!! Via the CLI, only bad stuff is going on (Yeah, yeah i know its my bad for being born to the Windows world..).

Anyhow friendo, problemo solved.

Last but not least hanccocka, people like you are THE reason we’re renewing our subscription every month WITH A SMILE.


Grade A:


Grading Comment:
A simple yet rewarding answer.  v2v the machine and power that on in case of snapshot failure.  minimal downtime in the unlikely event of failure.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Experts:  Many thanks for all your suggestions esp. hanccocka and paulsolov

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
outlook.exe /cleanviews worked.  Thank you so much.

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Fantastic thank you very much VM came straight up after them simple steps thank you !

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Sound, sensible advice. Thank you hanccocka! In summary: vDR over a fast network connection using a CIF share to an array physically installed on my vCentre server with a tape drive and backup software installed will meet my requirements. The extra HBA card in the vCentre server is a complete “red herring”!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:
Awesome. Thanks so much! Gparted is the way to go. 20GB’s has been added to the C: You da man!

Grade A:


Grading Comment:

The old ones are the best! A chkdsk actually fixed the problem, found NTFS straight out then fixed a load of index entries, works a treat!

Thanks a million, much appreciated.


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Cyrus Computer Consultants Ltd

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20-29 years


Everything VMware and Virtual!

okay I do have a life, Organic Gardening, Breeding Endangered Tropical Fish, Beekeeping.

why not pop by our Allotment Site http://gravelpitallotments.org.uk/, where I’m Chairman, we won a Big Lottery Grant!

and Experts Exchange…..(lol!) – http://ow.ly/fPbXc


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