While I was in the fish house this evening, fussing over the Sturisoma Aureum taking photographs, I noticed the Platinum Angelfish madly chasing the Ancistrus catfish, which I have since removed, remember what happened last time! I quickly grabbed my camera (I’ve changed from the Sony Mavica 2 Megapixel to my Leica Digilux camera, yes I still cannot take pictures in focus, so don’t let the man in the shop tell you that a more expensive camera is better, it’s the person behind the lens!)
here are some pictures:-
Platinum Angelfish Spawning, Female is at the top of the sponge filter uplift.
Male Platinum Angelfish getting very agreesive with me, female in the background.
Male Platinum Angelfish, sparing at the glass!
Sorry for peeps, that don’t have broadband, this site isn’t dial-up friendly! Does any one do dial-up anymore? If you dont got to your local library and take the url with you!
Tags: Ancistrus, andysworld, aquablog, bblog, blog, catfish, fish, fish house, house