Whoops – and the LifeGard FB900 doesn’t need fluidzing anymore!

As previously hinted in a recent posting, I’ve been having difficulties fludizing my LifeGard FB900, the instructions state that a 600lph powerhead should be ample to do this, but I’ve found the back-pressure caused by the sand in the filter affects the powerheads performance, and its not up to the job, I’ve tried a Hagen 301, Maxijet 600, and a Juwel 1000lph powerhead to no avail.

I’ve emailed Pentair in the US, and wait a response, I think I’m going to have to use an Eheim pond pump, but before I had a chance to do this, I left the LifeGard FB900 in my porch, rather than leaving outside, I didn’t want anyone to steal or frost to damage it.

and then my partner knocked it over this morning and smashed it, it had media and water in it, as she was trying to grab the kittens!

I think you’ve got to laugh sometimes, although, I was not too happy this morn!

LifeGard FB900
So I’m trying to obtain another one, which is proving difficult at present!

UPDATE I managed to obtain another, I almost had two! One direct from German Aquatic distributor, and then another new one appeared on eBay, a tenner cheaper!

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