If you collect or keep Tropical Fish there’s an excellent range of books by the publishers Aqualog reference fish of the world.
I’ve purchased a few of the years all Corydoras features all corydoras catfish and Loricariidae all L-numbers, these are excellent reference books for indentifying fish with excellent colour photographs. In my opinion well worth the investment. Others Reference books are available on Cichlids, Livebearers, Freshwater Rays, Killifishes etc
These books can sometimes be difficult to obtain in the United Kingdom, but the following supplier in the UK; Steven Simpson books http://www.stevensimpsonbooks.com can supply them direct.
I’ve just identified some fish sold as Royal Pleco’s L190, as L191 Broken Line Royal Pleco from the Loricariidae all L-numbers reference book!
Tags: andysworld, aquablog, bblog, blog, catfish, cory, corydoras, fish, fishes, plec, pleco, Tropical Fish