New Air Compressor Arrives

Hailea ACO-208 arrived today by ANC Courier to my Office address. I purchased
this from

Hebden Bridge, Yorkshire
. Excellent customer service. This compressor is
much smaller than I had imagined, although I had the technical specification, I
never thought to look at the measurements, I thought it maybe a similar size to
my Clearseal LP40, 40 litre per minute air pump. It’s certainly in a very small
package at 25 watts delivering 45 litre per minute.

Installation was trickier than expected because the air output nozzle is
suited for 8-10mm pipe, I need to connect this to, 19mm bore pipe, so I’ve used
different widths of Eheim tubing glued so I could connect it directly to the
pump, two jubilee clips should finally secure in place. Another feature of this
pump is the air inlet, which I’ve connected small Eheim tubing to, which I’ll
route to the outside of the garage to bring in cooler air, I may have to check
this, because this may decrease tank temperature, by bleeding cold air into the
fish tank. I need to spend some time, locating to air compressor in it’s
permanent position, and migrating the airline to the tanks.

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