I’m still beekeeping – Andysworld! What else would I do?

It’s time to reboot Andysworld! Blog. I think some of you may have missed tales from Andysworld! Oh if your fedup of this email in you inbox, let me know and I’ll remove you from the list!

I just don’t get much time anymore to keep the Andysworld! blog updated, with all the other social channels, Experts Exchange, VMware vExpert programs and BEEKEEPING which takes up a lot of my time now, over 12 months ago I have up my allotment to spend more time with the bees!

So lets have some bee photographs from this afternoons check, this is a colony of bees, split last year, taken over winter in a small nucleus (6 frames) the nucleus was called N1, so this is H11 (hive 11) which has 11 frames of honey bees, the honey bees are pure Buckfast bees, if you look carefully you will see they are mostly yellow, compared to the native black bees, which has hybridize today with most local strains which are darker. (Hint if you look at the queen in the first photo marked green (for 2024!), you will notice she is yellow/orange/ginger in colour rather than a dark black/brown, this indicates the yellowish colour that the Buckfast strain has, kept because they are easy to work, and non-aggressive H11 is a lovely colony to work compare to those in H3 ! Double gloves for H3 !






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