More snow fell last night, making it now impossible to get to the local town as the roads are so bad. So we’ve been snowbound for 48 hours, and the weather doesn’t look if it’s getting any better. For the first time, the condensation inside ther front porch froze, as temperatures reached -11 degrees C, and this morning I had to pour boiling water over the lead drain pipes, leading from the bath tub, because the water wouldn’t drain away, so up a ladder with a kettle full of boiling water. So here’s a short video clip and a few snowy seasonal photos of the front garden. In the meantime, food is getting low, I’ve not eaten chocolate in the last 24 hours, and not had any Coca Cola in the last 48 hours, and I’m getting witdrawl symptoms. Must walk to town tomorrow in the snow!
We put these lights up yesterday afternoon.
Tags: snow