I’ve been using 3 mobile broadband from a remote site for 10 weeks with no issue, very strong end stopping, “breaking or bending me needle good buddy!” signal. UTMS and HSDPA signals here on site.
A few weeks ago, it stopped working, still the same strong signal, but the ping times, were timing out, it looked like a routing issue to me. But after long discussions with 3’s call centre, they told me they had decommisioned a cell site, and that was the issue, I’m not too sure whether to believe them, but it sounded convincing when they told me the location of the mast! (on top of my Garage, that repairs my car!) – I’d not noticed in the dark!
This is the local mobile mast, which my mobile broadband dongle used to use!
So here’s a lovely picture taken with my mobile phone….
I’m thinking of creating an Observer’s Book of Mobile Phone Masts or I-Spy UK Mobile Phone Masts!
okay, maybe a website!
Tags: 3g, 3G USB modem