Corys, Platies and Mollies by the bagful!

Well if you wanted any for a pound a bag you should have gone to the 1st Sheaf Valley Aquarist Society Auction today in Sheffield. Congratulations to Sheaf Valley Aquarist Society on a great auction. Auction promptly started at 1.00pm, and closed at 4.30pm, 20 large boxes (lots) of fish and stuff, and the first ever Fish Auction, I’ve been to where, they had a catalogue of the Lots, booked in, in Advance! Guppies, Platies, Mollies, Swordtails, Corys, Angelfish, Endlers, Bristlenoses (LDA016), and some very unusual home bred corydoras. I purchased the following :-

  • Five Bosemani Rainbow Fish
  • A pair of Nothobranchius rachovii
  • A pair of Bolivian Rams (breeding in the bag!!)
  • Ten Lamprologus ocellatus “Gold”

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