PVAed ceiling (almost!)

We’ve spent a few hours this evening, sealing the ceiling with PVA (4 parts water to 1 part PVA), to prevent us using gallons of matt emulsion, when we come to paint shortly. The ceiling in the dining room, is still a little damp, so we just completed the lounge area.

PVA No.1
Freshly PVAed ceiling No.1

PVA No.2
Freshly PVAed ceiling No.2

PVA No.4
Freshly PVAed ceiling No.3

PVA No.5
Freshly PVAed ceiling No.4

PVA No.3
Wot No PVA, waiting for the ceiling to dry.

If you look carefully in the pictures you can see the reflection in the PVA on the ceiling. So it looks like it’s working!

I didn’t say, this blog was ever going to be exciting! Carpet fitters are booked to complete quotations for new carpet tomorrow (Thursday) and Saturday.

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