I’ve been trying to get this blogged for a while, so here goes…
Here are the Cluster of 3D Printers – Ultimaker 2, now networked…, and they’ve been breeding…
There was a Health and Safety issues, with the use of PLA (Polylactic acid), which is the filament we use in these printers, which I believe is derived from corn starch. The health and saftey issue, is possibly due to ultra fine particles in the air, and it suggests using 3D printers with PLA, be used in a room with high ventilation, so the printers were banned, from being used in individual offices, and all moved to a print room, with a high air change rate, e.g. extractor fan in the window, changing the air in the room.
So now the 3D Printers, we in another room, we needed to find a method to print remotely via the network, and also check the print job!
Enter OctoPrint, this is a networked web interface for a 3D Printer, print anything from anywhere, and also has the ability for us to view the print job in process via a webcam (all from a Raspberry Pi).
So this is how we now print, unattended with a 3D printer, we are now working on the robot, which needs to remove the printed object, and walks down to my office to deliver it!
Tags: 3D Printers, 3D Printing, Ultimaker II