Andy’s Google Nexus 4

time to move on…and enter the 21st Century

I already have an iPad1, Amazon Kindle Fire (which has a customized version of “Amazon Android”), I wanted something different, rather than a common iOS based iPhone 4 or iPhone 5.

enter the Google Nexus 4

So, I’ve recently purchased a Google Nexus 4.






(it’s also got the same name as the off-world Replicants in my favourite film!)

and the Nexus 4 is brilliant, time to cash in Apple shares!

I’m currently testing GiffGaff network based on O2, which at present (18 Feb 13), is the cheapest mobile network for truly Unlimited Data.

I usualy use Three (3) for my iPad, MiFi and laptops, but Three (3) is getting expensive.

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