Andy builds a Geoff Hamilton Cloche!

A fellow allotment holder “David” gave me some 20mm plastic water pipe, and with bits of wood from the wood shed, a few nails and screws and a staple gun, I started to make a Cloche, to protect my Cauliflower from the pigeons and white cabbage butterflies.

I think it’s great when you can build something for free, rather than purchase something ready made. The design is based roughly on the Geoff Hamilton design, and many allotment holders up and down the country have made similar versions.

I think if you are an allotment holder, I think it’s some sort of right of passage, building your own Geoff Hamilton Cloche!

Here, Toby Buckland, makes a garden cloche, based on the design

here is a sequence of pictures of how I made mine….

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