Andysworld! Advent Calendar – Dec 16 – Box of Willies Delectable Cacao for Christmas, Go on you know you want to, it is Christmas!

I’ve blogged a few times about Willies Delectable Cacao. Because I had completed all my household chores this week, Lindsey bought me a present!

If you fancy some proper Rich Dark Chocolate flavoured with Orange this Christmas, rather than that overseas “stuff” from the EU, “tap it and unrap it ““you know the one that Dawn French advertises!” (we do not mention their name since they left York!).

Try Willies Delectable Cacao Cuban 65, Luscious Orange. Made in Devon, England, Great Britain!

and if you are interested in where the Baracoan Cacao beans are from, here’s some pictures taken in Baracoa, Cuba, when we visited. (and also spotted the worlds smallest frog!) – it wasn’t a chocolate frog!

Hiya Willie!

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