Jailbroken iPad iOS 3.2.1 to iOS 4.2.1

JailbreakMe greeting

JailbreakMe greeting

Since Jailbreaking my iPad a few weeks ago, so I could run Adobe Flash in the Safari browser, I’ve noticed an element of instability with the device, these are the dangers of messing with the code!

Oops .. not for the faint hearted this one!

Oops .. not for the faint hearted this one!

Jailbreaking... Sit tight

Jailbreaking... Sit tight

Personally, I don’t visit alot of flash based websites, and I’m not really interested in the flash based adverts, so now that iOS 4.2.1 has been launched for the iPad on the 23 November 2010, and folders is one thing I really need to reduce the Pages and organise my 134 Apps, time to upgrade (just remember to save your (shsh blobs first, if you want to rollback to a previous iPad firmware version, before Upgrading your iPAD – use Tiny Umbrella here).

Upgrading iOS 3.2.1 to iOS 4.2.1

Upgrading iOS 3.2.1 to iOS 4.2.1

During the Upgrade

During the Upgrade



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