I didn’t really anticpiate taking my compact digital camera because I didn’t know how well the photos and video would come out, and despite the notice on the entrance to the MEN stating cameras and digital recording devices would not be allowed, I think everyone at the MEN had a camera or phone with a camera! The only problem is I only took, on memory card, which was rather full, but here is a small clips of the evening to give you a flavour, and I apologise for the picture, video and audio quality – it was loud, that loud, it overloads the microphone on the camera. Also please note the language on this clip is rather strong, a bit stronger than Gordan Ramsey, if you know what I mean, plenty of F-Words!
Semi Precious Weapons supporting Lady GaGa, 18 Feb, MEN Manchester
Tags: Lady GaGa, Semi Precious Weapons